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Dec. 30th, 2013


we've got the same old hands, we've made the same old plans.

Who: Carter, Maya, and Ash.
Where: The streets of Scarlet Oak, within walking distance of the school.
When: Late evening, after nightfall.

Sticking close to the school made sense. With all the people milling around, many of them distraught, driven to distraction by concern and frantic worry, it was a rich hunting ground for any supernatural creature who was cunning enough to pick their prey well. Carter wasn’t going to let them take advantage of the situation and since his encounter with Athena he had taken it upon himself to patrol the area surrounding the school, establishing a sort of perimeter, gauging after careful observation just how far from the school some people were likely to roam and making sure it was clear of vampiric and demonic threats. The last thing any of these people needed, whether they were friends or family members of those trapped inside the school, was for any more tragedy to strike. There was still no news about any of those held prisoner within the invisible barrier, and those outside waiting needed to be able to do so without having to worry about threats closing in from all sides. That was where hunters like Carter came in.

He had caught sight of something a little while ago, something sticking to the shadows that moved too quickly and too quietly to be human. Carter hadn’t needed to get a second look in order to be convinced to give chase but he was careful about how he did so. A single handgun might not be much good against most supernaturals, especially those that his family had always been so focused upon, but he had taken precautions. The ammunition loaded into the clip of the gun was anything but ordinary, much more expensive and harder to come by, and much more damaging to vampires and demons that regular bullets. Carter wasn’t an idiot, he had been hunting solo long enough to know what he was doing.

The sound came from up ahead, slightly and quiet, the scuffing of the sole of a shoe against asphalt. Carter tensed, lifting the gun. There was no flashlight, they always got in the way, they hindered rather than helped, he had always been told, and so instead he had stood in the dark long enough for his eyes to adjust. When he approached the corner it was in shadow that he did so, listening for more sounds around the corner. Nothing. Quiet. Carter knew better than to assume there was no one there.

When he came around the corner it was widely that he did so, clearing the edge of the wall against which he had been leaning only a few moments before. If whoever was there fired a shot or took a swipe at him, they would expect him to hug the wall, and so he did the opposite. Gun raised he aimed directly at the figure ahead, just down the alley.

No, not one figure, he realised quickly, but two. More important still was the fact that he recognised them, the stature of the male and the quiet strength of the female, shorter but by no means less dangerous. Carter kept his gun raised out of habit, knowing better than to assume everything was clear, his brow furrowing a little as he looked at the pair ahead of him. “Maya?” he asked of the shorter, his gaze flicking between the two. “Ash?” What were they doing here? A better question was what they were doing here together, but that could wait.


I'm safe up high, nothing can touch me

Who: Luke and Jane
Where: Streets of Scarlet Oak
When: Late morning

So why do I feel this party's over? )


I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind

Who: Dominic and Camilla
Where: Their penthouse at Cherryblossom Place
When: Morning

I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time. )


I'ma kick ass all the way to Hong Kong!

Who: Tessa and Lux (and Tessa's familiar Inaki, NPC'd)
Where: The Red Dragon Dojo
When: Early afternoon

Konichiwa bitches from Beijing to Saigon. )

Dec. 29th, 2013


move bitch, get out the way

Who: Caelia and Camilla
When: Afternoon
Where: Sidewalk in Scarlet Oak

Camilla hated what was going on at the high school. That wasn’t to imply that she actually cared for the people there and the fear they were experiencing. )


This space is not my own

Who: Quentin and Bea
Where: the lake
When: afternoon, around 1:30pm

This head you dwell in is not my home )


Which way is right, which way is wrong?

Who: Elodie and Davin
Where: Heme
When: close to 11pm

Davin was never truly the sort who enjoyed drinking alone. )


Aw, fuck it.

Who: Roxy and Erin
When: Evening
Where: The school

Of course Erin had been healing all about Scarlet Oak's latest catastrophe, and of course, the whole thing was driving her insane. She supposed at the end of the day she really was just an insufferable know-it-all, and not having the faintest fucking clue what was going on didn't agree with her. And then the rumors started spreading that touching the barrier was making the powers of various supes act 'funny.'

That was not the kind of thing Erin could just ignore.

She left work that night dressed rather low-key, for her, anyway. She parked the hearse a couple blocks away and walked the rest of the way, slowly but surely making her way to the police barricade. It was quite the sight. Barricades, cop cars, fire trucks and ambulances everywhere. Erin knew a good chunk of the people associated with those things. But there were also the military jeeps and humvees. Gubment's not gonna make this easy for me, Erin thought, wrinkling up her nose as she scanned the scene. Fuck it.

Erin looked around until she spotted someone she knew that she thought might not be totally against her idea. Roxy. Roxy was only a paramedic, but she had a sense of adventure, right? Erin made her way over to Roxy's ambulance, nodding her head in greeting. "Sup, girl. Wanna help me do something stupid?"

Dec. 27th, 2013


In the middle of September

WHO: Julian & August
WHEN: Late night
WHERE: Summers Pack territory, Packlands
WARNINGS: Possible copious amounts of swearing from Julian because he has issues

Nothing to lose but everything to gain. )

Dec. 23rd, 2013


Everything would shine

Who: Aurora and Winifred
Where: Music store in SO
When: Early afternoon

'...ow...' )


strange faces in familiar places

Who: August and Cat
When: Afternoon
Where: Summers Property

Had it not been for the ordeal with the school, he would have likely gone through the dance of attempting to discern the intentions of the other were in his territory )

Dec. 22nd, 2013


There will be no good night to turn and walk away

Who: Fluffy and Langston
Where: the outskirts of SOHS tent-city
When: late evening, after this

Whatever happens here, we remain. )


Well I, play the music, don't stop til I turn gray

Who: Audra and Langston
Where: the local radio station's break room
When: early afternoon, around 1pm

A quip here, a joke there, but Langston's heart wasn't in it. Really, he just sort of wanted to be alone. )


two's company, three's a crowd

Who: Daisy, Lida, and Joseph
When: Early Evening
Where: Daisy and Joseph's house

She had been short with Daisy, snippy to the point that it had almost hurt her feelings – almost )


it's only blood

Who: Maddie and Lark
When: Late afternoon
Where: Heme

Lark had given blood at Heme once before, and though she'd initially been frightened, it hadn't been so bad. She hadn't been alone that day. She was alone now.

When Lark had been given a room at the shelter, one of her room-mates was a girl named Destiny, who insisted everyone call her Desi. Desi was older than Lark by a few years, had two kids, and had lost custody to the father after 'falling in with the wrong crowd.' Desi talked a lot, but some of the things she'd had to say had been pretty educational. She told Lark that she made money on the side by selling her blood at Heme, and with Lark being 'vanilla,' she could make a good chunk of money doing the same. The idea had disgusted and horrified Lark, but in the end, she had fallen to the temptation. She had allowed Desi to procure a fake ID for her, dress her up, put make-up on her face, glamour her hair brown, and drag her off to Heme.

It hadn't been so bad. )

Dec. 21st, 2013


Found in forbidden nights, sharp as glass and twice as bright

Who: Eileen and Keira
Where: random bar in Scarlet Oak
When: after 10pm
Warnings: Magical curses!

Your heart understood mine. )


Welcome to the inner workings of my mind

Who: Lauren and Keira
Where: The Painted Bird Tattoo
When: early afternoon, around 3pm

She figured that anyone here would know better than she did, and she had absolutely nothing to gain from being her usual self. )


i've been a good little worker bee; i deserve a gold star

Who: Chase and Faith
Where: Small park near UofM campus
When: Lunchtime

Faith muttered - which came out as a spitting sort of hiss - when her claws caught on the lining of her jeans and shook her tiny foot until it freed itself. )

Dec. 20th, 2013


I'll be the one, if you want me to

Who: the Byrnes
Where: their townhouse // SOHS, sort of
When: close to 7pm

Anywhere, I would've followed you )


i feel like i'm falling - so darling don't let me go

Who: Harper and Zoie
Where: Zoie and Nora's apartment --> UofM hospital
When: Early evening

Look good, don't I? I know, you're jealous, but it takes years of practice to pull this off. )

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