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Mar. 31st, 2010


Fit Together Like a Puzzle

Who: Marisa and Owen
Where: Owen's House
When: Evening
Warning: NSFW

...but something's in the way. )

Mar. 30th, 2010


Do we have an accord?

Who: Jezebelle and Linnea
Where: Scarlet Oak Public Library
When: 6:15pm

I'd like to think I'm easy to work with. )


Visiting Kajsa

Who: Kajsa, Linnea, Dagmar and Satu
Where: Kajsa's hospital room
When: Mid-morning (totally changeable)

and the family descends )


Don't be a stranger

Who: Sasha and Barrett
When: Evening
Where: Drop the Hammer bar

Usually Sasha, when she wanted to drink, would just grab something from a store and head home with it and drink there. Tonight though, she wanted to get out and so she got dressed and headed out. She stopped at the first bar she came across and sure, she was dressed like she should be in something super swanky and perhaps a fancier town, but that didn't bother Sasha. She walked in like she owned the place and settled herself at the bar. "Tequila." she told the person behind the counter. "Two shots."

Read more... )


This be a holder for Juliet and Barrett out having brunch.


A meeting and maybe a bed?

Who: Melody & Sadie
Where: Sunny's Diner
When: Evening

Sadie dragged her feet into the diner, the euphoria from her stop at the bakery and her time in the sun having begun its fading, leaving behind the road weary girl she was. Yet no email from Seeley telling her he was coming, and she was faced yet again with the lack luster choices of where to sleep. She could go back into Ann Arbor and hit up a shelter, or she could go wolf and rough it out... neither option held much interest, years of going between both choices killing the 'on the run' glamor.

She walked on up to the counter and claimed one of the stools as her own. After being handed the menu and asking for a water, Sadie settled down. So, long bike ride and shelter, or rough it as wolf? Sadie frowned into the menu, wishing she had a non-smelly or insect ridden bed to sleep in. Really, she almost forgot what it was like to sleep in a real bed.

Damn Riley's father, if only the blasted man had kept away, keeping his work away from the home. If he had only just stayed... gone! Then she'd be back home, living happily with her parents, Bastian, Seeley and... Riley. They'd likely still be together, planning on going for the long haul. Seeley and Riley would still be friends, no killing glares being shared, no fear of him pulling out a gun and shooting Seeley and herself in the back... no more pain.

Really, life was nothing but a major pain in the ass.

Enter the happy. )



Who: Alice and Max
Where: Max's place
When: Afternoon

Read more )


Try to make this pretty

Who: Adelle and Charlene
Where: The river
When: Afternoon

Are you... stunted? Humans are full-grown by your age, yes? )


Splish splash

Who: Linnea and Noelle + Strike and Calder (NPCs)
Where: The river near to her home
When: Earlier morning

I was taking a swim - no not in the bathtub )


God gives us hope, but we still fear what we don't know

Who: Eva and Bradley
Where: Bradley's house
When: Afternoon

The drawbridge is closing )


And girls act too much and boys act too tough

Who: Kitty and Lex
Where: Ad Gustum... seriously, you had to ask?
When: Late afternoon
Warning: NSFW

And take it or leave it. )


Stop searching in corners of rooms not my business

Who: Angel, Kiara & Tessa
Where: Some random street, the park
When: Noontime
Warnings: Blatant violence

How sad... )


Culmination of Secrets

who: Ella, Sean and Seanna (NPC)
when: Afternoon-ish
where: The back/front yard of the Hayes household

You're not supposed to make people you like cry you know. )


This is the end, beautiful friend

Who: Freddie and Rhys (NPC)
When: Afternoon
Where: The park

Freddie had called Rhys after leaving Renard's. Something about how they had set up to meet at the park this time didn't feel like the others. Amongst all the shock and awe still present due to recent events - which she hadn't even had the guts to tell anyone about, she was still very much processing - Freddie had a feeling of dread, for some reason, and she just couldn't shake it. Especially because she was fully conscious of the way things had changed, her own feelings had changed. And, she suspected, so had his.

It hurts to set you free )

Mar. 29th, 2010


Home, James!

Who: Galen and Andrew
Where: The inside of a car mostly.
When: Nightfall.
What: The most awkward first meeting ever. I mean seriously?

and the answer is ‘cuz yur a ho.’ )


When a uncia uncia meets a canis lupus

Who: Barrett and Marisa
Where: Woods out of town
When: Just before the moon sets

Read more )


Employee of the Month

Who: Calypso and Tanith
When: Nighttime
Where: A lake in Scarlet Oak

Having had a rather full day, Tanith was pleased with herself. She had efficiently pissed in Lex's metaphorical cheerios, she was all moved in, and there didn't seem to be anyone at the brothel who would give her shit or try to get buddy-buddy with her. After meeting a few staff members though, she'd been at her limit of social interaction, and needed some time to herself. She needed time in her element. She could have taken a swim at one of the pools back at the mansion (after all, she had two to choose from), but odds were good she'd run into someone and have to have the 'oh, are you new?' conversation all over again. So she hopped on her motorcycle and headed to the nearest lake.

Nobody (that she saw) was out and about, which was good. It seemed like a good chunk of the town was at the festival. This lake didn't get a lot of swimmers, which was part of the reason why she favored it. After taking a brief look around, Tanith shed her clothing and plunged into the dark, cool water.

Get ready to cue the cartoon lightbulb over Tanith's pretty little head... )


Unraveling with every word.

Who: Owen and Rowena
When: Afternoon
Where: Starbucks
What: Moral Support

He never expected to be calling Rowena for moral support like this. Or, well, not so soon. The fact that he had dinner that night with his wife was still a little surreal. He wanted it to go well, but Owen wasn't sure it would. And he didn't know how well he wanted it to go. His brain hurt and he was grateful for his mother taking Edward early. He needed time to think about this, about what Marisa wanted in relation to what he wanted. There weren't really words to describe what was going through his head. Not having slept at all, he was pretty much running on coffee. And anticipation. God, what the hell was he thinking? She just got to town. Or at least, just back into his life. And their son's.

Just make sure you think hard before you make any decisions )

Mar. 28th, 2010


Being followed by a moonshadow

Who: Alanna and Rowena
Where: Path in the park
When: Late morning

You, umm... you're... you're a cat. )


I only know what I've been working for: another you so I could love you more

Who: Austin and Kai
Where: Wonderland
When: Late morning

And this is not a case of lust, you see. It's not a matter of you versus me. )

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