April 2015




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Mar. 31st, 2015



for belinda and lida



josh and harper



sammy and chey



for katia and jaladhi

Mar. 30th, 2015



for glenda/josh


don't want to forget how it feels

Who: Drina and Marco
Where: Marco's apartment
When: Evening

Forgiveness does not fly to those who yearn for it. )

Mar. 31st, 2015


imprisoned in a world without a memory, unconscious or am i conscious.

Who: Sam and August.
Where: The Summers home; Sam’s room.
When: Late morning.

Sam had missed dinner the previous evening. The smells had permeated the house and at least one voice had called up the stairs to tell him the food was ready but he had stayed in his room. With his eyes glued to the window he had spent a great deal of the night not sleeping but watching. Waiting. Breathing shallow and chest tight with a fearful kind of anxiety that had followed him all the way home from the edge of the woods that marked the limit of the Summers Pack territory after he had wandered out there with some misplaced sense of curiosity driving him. Unnerved as he was, so very deeply and completely, Sam had been afraid to leave his room, a place that had become familiar and therefore safe. It still caught him off guard to have furniture and a door he could open and close as and when he chose but more than one member of this family who had allowed him into their home had told him it was his space. He could keep it as long as he wanted or needed it. Sam had grown strangely attached to it.

That was dangerous. Alien. Wrong. It frightened him. For as long as he could remember nothing had been his, not truly. Even things that were given to him did not belong to him, he was permitted to retain them by those better and stronger than he was himself. That was how it worked. That had been Sam’s way of life for so many years that anything else was just bewildering to him, foreign and confusing to the point that it scared him. It was likely it would never stop feeling that way, that he would never be able to move past what had been so forcefully imprinted and impressed upon him, and had he been aware enough to recognise that for himself Sam might have found that disappointing, perhaps even frustrating. As it was he couldn’t see it, couldn’t stand on the outside looking in at himself, seeing what others saw. Even after the brief respite from that life only a short number of days ago Sam couldn’t see himself the way others did. Maybe that was for the best.

When breakfast time came someone called up the stairs again, much as they had the night before. More smells had drifted through the house, warm and comforting and appetising. Just like the night before Sam had stayed in his room. The return of the sun’s light had made him feel a little bolder, at least, in that he had moved from the bed and settled himself in the deep recess of the window’s ledge. He hadn’t brought a cushion or a pillow but he needed neither. Instead he had taken the book from the nightstand and folded himself into the space with the novel open against his legs. At least an hour had passed without him reading more than a few lines of the text, his eyes once again fixing on some unseen point outside, through the glass of the window and beyond the trees. The longer he stared the more Sam felt convinced he could feel eyes staring back at him.

Mar. 29th, 2015


you won't see me fall apart

Who: Nick and Jenny
When: Late morning
Where: Grocery store in town

I can’t believe this is happening. )

Mar. 27th, 2015


over the river and through the woods...

WHO | Harper & Daveigh
WHERE | UofM Hospital
WHEN | Morning

Grams needs us both. )

Mar. 26th, 2015


my claws creeping down where it's warm

Who: Lazarus and Seraphina
When: Mid-morning
Where: Seraphina's penthouse, Hotel di Sei Ali
Warning: Violence (at minimum), with the potential for graphic violence and bloodshed (just covering bases for now).

She hoped, for his sake, that he had much to report. )

Mar. 18th, 2015


can't get away from the moment, seems like it's time to begin.

Who: Jason and John Cantley (NPC).
Where: The Cantley household, Harlow, England.
When: Saturday 3rd February 2001. A little after 1am.

When the door slammed it shook the whole house. Outside in the hall a picture frame rattled against the wall. Jason wasn’t asleep anyway and even if he had been that would have woken him long before the loud shout of his name up the stairs, a slurred boom of a voice that filled the whole house and probably bled through the walls to those of the neighbours. For several long seconds Jason sat there, still fully dressed with no intention of changing into anything else any time soon, waiting to hear what John Cantley would say or do next.

A fist hit the wall. Another shout, this one laden with fractured and improvised curses that made little sense but that didn’t detract from the intention behind them. John Cantley was angry, it didn’t even matter why, and he wanted everyone to know about it. He wanted his son to know about it. Wanted his son to come downstairs and face it. Feel it.

All too well Jason remembered sitting in that hospital under the glaring lights, holding his tongue while the nurses and the doctors examined him and gave him knowing looks, powerless to do anything against a man who denied any involvement in his son’s so-called accident. With stark clarity Jason remembered the agony of the fractured jaw, the dislocated shoulder, how he’d tried so hard to keep from sounding any pain when they’d wrenched the joint back into place. He’d bitten his tongue so hard he’d tasted blood but hadn’t said a word otherwise. A combination of fear and resignation had kept him quiet then, he hadn’t wanted to make things worse. As if they could get any worse. )


congregate, lay in wait for an answer, they're still waiting.

Who: Harrison.
Where: Harrison’s apartment.
When: Friday October 16th 2009. Very early morning, around 3am.

To say that Harrison was having trouble sleeping with all of this going on would have been an understatement. Ever since everyone had -- so it seemed -- gotten their memories back after the collapse of whatever magic had removed them in the first place he had been unable to sit still long enough to rest, let alone sleep. It wasn’t that he’d tried, he had of course, but when his mind was going a mile a minute over all the possibilities it wasn’t something he was able to achieve and so he’d taken to being an almost constant presence on his part of the site. The questions were flooding in after he’d made it known that something out of the ordinary had happened, that he’d not only been witness to it but actually felt it himself, and people were fascinated enough that a lot of them entered into hours-long conversations with him via the forums.

With his empty coffee cup in hand -- not quite empty, in all honesty, and he was careful not to accidentally tip the dregs onto the floor as he carried it -- he made his way from the lounge area towards the adjacent kitchen, swiping his other hand over his face as he went. It was as he was trying to get a crick out of his neck that he caught sight of something lying on the mat on the inside of the front door, something that must have come through recently but without making too much in the way of noise. He would have heard it otherwise. Wouldn’t he?

Stretching out he set the mug down on the edge of the counter just inside the kitchen and then approached the envelope that had come through his letterbox. It was cautiously but curiously that he did so, dark eyes lifting to the door itself periodically as if he expected someone on the other side to knock at any moment. They didn’t. )

Mar. 16th, 2015


All these ghosts and I still can't find a boo

Who: Skye, Lane and Jaye
Where: Decrepit, creepy old house in Ann Arbor
When: Saturday afternoon

Skye had heard about the alleged haunted house in one of the oldest parts of Ann Arbor on their first week of class. And then, she had kept hearing about it. People had all sorts of stories that had supposedly happened there, and although they always came with a number of doubters and skeptics, it was enough to appeal to Skye's curiosity. Even after the Light of May, while some people saw no more appeal in things that comprised the biggest hits as far as supernatural horror went, Skye saw more. Having things like vampires, weres, ghosts and demons confirmed as realities could only make things scarier.

As her mother would have said, 'the stars hadn't aligned' to make an actual foray into said haunted house before now. With school, and the numerous shenanigans happening around town (including Skye forgetting she had ever lived anywhere else, or that anything bad had ever happened to the twins or the coven), there had just not been a chance. But there was now. It was a nice Saturday afternoon - well, nice, at least it wasn't raining - and she had successfully convinced Lane to come along (hadn't been that hard, if she was honest) and they had successfully dragged Jaye along.

She was standing outside the house, climbing up one step then climbing down again, bouncy as ever. "Everybody got their phones out?" She asked the twins, eyes twinkling with anticipation. If something actually remarkable happened, she wanted to film it. It would go viral within seconds.

Mar. 9th, 2015


Everyone knows I'm in over my head

Who: Kiley and Jesse
Where: Starbucks
When: Late morning

With eight seconds left in overtime. )

Mar. 5th, 2015



DATE: Saturday, October 17, 2009

BIRTHDAYS: Rebekah Adams

WEATHER: While the rain has cleared for the day, the temperature is remaining low and chilly.

EVENTS: Today has been a quiet day in Scarlet Oak, which could arguably be good or bad, depending on how one looks at things. Some people are happy for the peace, while others are worried that this could be yet another calm before one more horrible storm. There’s truthfully nothing that can be done, even if there were cause for concern. All that the citizens of the township can do for now is try to live their lives normally and hope for no further interruptions.

While Scarlet Oak managed to make it through the day without another murder, it can’t quite seem to make it a full twenty-four hours without violence. Sometime, just after dark, a couple is attacked in the park. From the look of things, it seems to be a simple mugging, with one person badly beaten for trying to fend off their attacker. Police are looking for the culprit, but they don’t have much information to go on. Anyone in the park around this time who also witnessed the attack is urged to come forward with further descriptions of the assailant.

Mar. 4th, 2015



for a solo <3

Feb. 28th, 2015


come on and say you're sorry

Who: Lauren and Nysa
Where: Nysa's home
When: 8:15 pm

Well? )


don't say i didn't warn you

Who: Esmeralda and handful of NPCs
Where: Glen Cove, New York
when: Mid-May 2009
Warnings: Magical violence, racism.

Hell was not full of fire, nor ice like some theorized. )

Feb. 27th, 2015


was i there when i was taught how to lie?

Who: Desi and Emilia
Where: Desi's apartment
When: 8:30 p.m.

Emilia had never really had a use for her medication before. )

Feb. 24th, 2015


dream about going up there

Who: Charlene and Roxy
Where: Roxy's home
When: Late afternoon
Note: 'This dialogue' is written words.

Sometimes I hate being a mute. )

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