Mar. 31st, 2008


Public Nuisance

Title: Public Nuisance
Rating: Brown Cortina (NC-17+, for seksiness)
Pairing: Gene/Sam
Warnings: Secks.
Disclaimer: All owned by Kudos, kudos to them. I’m just having fun.
Word Count: 950
Summary: Sam and Gene try to be inconspicuous.

NOTES: This was posted in a shorter version in the fiandyfic’s Anonymous Porn Fest ("Sam gives Gene a lesson in stealth. Public hand-job or blowjob (but feel free to go as far as you want)") and since we have been given permission to repost the stories we wrote for that, I am.

Public Nuisance  )

Mar. 24th, 2008


Not Cheap nor Easy

Title: Not Cheap nor Easy
Rating: Brown Cortina (NC-17+, for seksiness)
Pairing: Gene/Sam
Warnings: Secks.
Disclaimer: All owned by Kudos, kudos to them. I’m just having fun.
Word Count: 1,200
Summary: Sam and Gene fight the cold.

NOTES: This was posted in a shorter version in the fiandyfic’s Anonymous Porn Fest ("Crims lock Gene and Sam naked in a meat locker") and since we have been given permission to repost the stories we wrote for that, I am.

Not Cheap nor Easy  )

Mar. 23rd, 2008


Smart Old Birds and Handsome Blokes

Title: Smart Old Birds and Handsome Blokes
Author: [info]mikes_grrl
Rating: Brown Cortina (NC-17+, for seksiness)
Pairing: Gene/Phyllis
Warnings: Secks.
Disclaimer: All owned by Kudos, kudos to them. I’m just having fun.
Word Count: 1,200
Summary: Phyllis needs some strong shoulders to hold on to.

NOTES: This was posted in a shorter version in the fiandyfic’s Anonymous Porn Fest ("Gene/Phyllis – Het comfort") and since we have been given permission to repost the stories we wrote for that, I am.

Smart Old Birds and Handsome Blokes  )

Mar. 20th, 2008


Think Before You Speak to the Missus by Beloved. White Cortina

Title: Think Before You Speak to the Missus
Author: Beloved
Rating: White Cortina
Summary: The Missus makes Gene sleep on the couch after a comment about her cooking. How can Sam be to blame for that?
Genre: Gen – possible pre-slash if you squint
Author’s Note: This is not set at any specific point, except its post 2.08.
In my LoM future, Sam FINALLY got out of that ramshackle flat and into a small, clean, 2-bedroomed place.

Think Before You Speak to the Missus )