Apr. 17th, 2008


Fic: Sam, and Gene, and Max, and the Joys of Gay Sex

Title:  Sam, and Gene, and Max, and the Joys of Gay Sex Part 1
Rating:  Fairly Green Cortina at this point
Wordage: 1680 words this part
Characters, Sam, Gene, Max and if there is a "/" in there, it's all Max's fault
Summary:  This is part of my LoM "Joys of Gay Sex" series, the rest of which can be found on my archive site, which is listed on my Profile. This came about because of a comment by Mikey that got me thinking, hmmm, Max saving Sam and Gene.....
Will post the second part when it's finished, shortly I hope.

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Mar. 21st, 2008


Fic: Randy - Part 1

Title: Randy 1/?
Author: Mac
Rating: Quite whitish this part.
Summary: Gene's brother comes to visit, rather unexpectedly providing entertainment for all.
Notes: By way of a pressie (or a nuisance, depending on your point of view) I present the first part of a new LoM story in celebration of this new comm.

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