Pretty Little Liars Fans' Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Pretty Little Liars Fans

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Links! [14 Jul 2010|01:02am]

This is where all links that pertain to the show/book can be found. We want to show you some sites you may find helpful and will add it to the community memories.

Have a link you'd like us to add? Comment below and I'll edit it into this post!

Remember we are just starting out so obviously I will add more soon!

Links )
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Welcome Post! [14 Jul 2010|12:57am]


Welcome to [info]littleliars! Your place for all things pertaining to the TV "Pretty Little Liars" that is based on the books by Sara Shepard.

Feel free to post news/pictures/music/etc from the show! This also includes graphics or fanmixes!

Some Rules:
1. ALL potential spoilers must be put under a cut tag with a warning about said spoiler. We don't want to ruin the show for others that might be just getting into it or are not caught up on the latest episodes.

2. Any large pictures or any large articles must go under a cut as well just to be friendly to others friends pages.

3. When posting an article please include a source link.

4. Only advertise your site/twitter/blog/whatever if it pertains to the TV show or books.

5. It'd be most preferred if you kept your post locked.
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