
xie_xie_xie posting in Les_BJ_anic
User: [info]xie_xie_xie
Date: 2007-12-29 13:31
Subject: Melanie!
Security: Public

[info]notreallyme10 posted some Melanie porn on her IJ a couple of weeks ago, and I totally missed it!

Not that I'm into Mel or anything.

You should read it immediately.


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xie_xie_xie posting in Les_BJ_anic
User: [info]xie_xie_xie
Date: 2007-11-11 21:46
Subject: And Now For Something Completely Different and Yet, Still Lesbianic
Security: Public

Since [info]pendulumchanges started a whole new asylum called [info]qaf_music, I'm going to do something new for Dyke Night from now on. And it will still be on Friday nights, but I just couldn't get it done this weekend because I had too much work.

I have a thing that bugs me big time about fic in which Gus is ripped away from his parents, Melanie and Lindsay, so that Brian and Justin can raise him.

I understand that some people find Lindsay or Melanie, as characters, unsympathetic, and I don't object to that. We all have our personal likes and dislikes of individuals. But when I see this "gay friendly" fandom express contempt for them AS LESBIANS, when I see authors wrench their child away or find them feeble and inadequate as parents, and readers squee over that, it makes me want to cry or, you know, blow something up. It shows a profound disrespect for queer families, which were the cornerstone of the entire Queer as Folk message.

And a truly lesbianic warning: Bring tissues.

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