Nov. 24th, 2008


Michael - Courting call

After an exchange of letters, it was arranged that Santiago would call on Michael on Monday afternoon. He showed up promptly with chaperon in attendance, sent word up with one of the servants and waited for the other man to join them in the parlor.

Nov. 19th, 2008



Letters to Ascendants )

Beloved )

Nov. 1st, 2008



Three o'clock Saturday afternoon saw Patrick making his first call to the Beloveds' hotel, his arm tucked around a rather extravagent bouquet of California fuschia intermixed with wild grasses for bulk. It might be a little over the top he realised, as he waited in the parlour he'd been shown into for Michael to appear, but it was too late now. He'd wanted to impress. Especially as his one suit was old and worn and not really up to the job of impressing anyone at all.

He was clean and as smart as he could be, though, unruly hair combed and slicked back as much as possible. And he had his smile to rely on. He always had his smile.

Oct. 31st, 2008


Calling card for Michael (backdated to early this week)

It wasn't actually so much a calling card as a sheet of white paper culled from the supply in the parlour of the Ascendants' hotel. Patrick hadn't had any money left for such frivolous things as calling cards. And if he was honest, he hadn't expected to be courting anywhere near this soon.

The writing on the letter was a neat script, unfussy and easy to read.

Dear Mr Rickard,

I would be honoured if you would accept my visit this coming Saturday afternoon. Would three o'clock be a good time for you?

Yours sincerely,

Patrick O'Sullivan

Oct. 23rd, 2008



Letters to Ascendants )

Beloved )

Oct. 16th, 2008



Obediah was sitting under a tree outside the Black Sheep. He had his eyes closed but he was mumbling something so there was no mistaking him for being asleep. He should know better by now. Drinking contests were a bad idea. Even if he won, he lost the next day.

"Shoulda known better," he mumbled again.

Oct. 6th, 2008



"Late...God. Sorry." Michael was flat out running through the streets of Lechance, dodging around people, one hand holding his hat onto his head. He skidded around a corner and kept going, talking to himself under his breath. He narrowly avoided a horse and a small child, but the dog was his undoing. Attempting to jump over the leash and avoid the dog, he caught his foot, lost his balance and hit the ground, rolling into the side of a building and finally coming to a halt. "Ouch," he murmured.