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May. 3rd, 2011


Elena! Elena was here! Katherine had killed her, so skillfully sent her over the Wickery Bridge to drown, and now the little whore was here. Stefan wasn't around here yet, as far as Katherine could tell, but she knew that Damon was here. Damon would go after Elena and the little whore would take him, because she was no better than Katherine was. The only difference was that Katherine had them first. They were her boys. And Katherine would get them back, that had been her plan in killing her own personal look alike. And that would be her plan in killing Elena again, here.

She stood near the window to her bedroom, arms crossed and her face twisted into a look of pure fury. Her lapis blue eyes shone with a dark hatred. And the skies started to mirror her expression. She watched as dark clouds started to cover the sky. Not that she was surprised by this. After over 500 years of truly living, she had learned so much that she wouldn't have learned had she stayed with the Salvatores. She had been so young and innocent back then. She had been as weak as a year old vampire as she had been as a human. It wasn't until she spent 5 centuries with Klaus that she really saw what she was capable of.

And making it storm was one of her greatest achievements. The dark clouds burst with heavy rain and loud booms of thunder as Katherine stood watching. The winds picked up, making it dangerous for anyone to be outside. Oh what a pity. She walked casually away from the window, not caring what damage she could end up causing.