Lamenting the fall
A Rufus Shinra x Cloud Strife Community

User: [info]gothatheartholo
Date: 2008-04-25 14:39
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Title: Of Misfortunes 
Fandom: FF7
Author: Gothatheartholo
Pairing: Rufus/Cloud 
Rating/Warning: PG13 
Disclaimer: Nope, do not own. 
Summary: “It doesn’t matter. I can’t let you get to it no matter what.” <-- story link
A/n: In-game, balcony scene. 

Title: Right After 
Fandom: FF7
Author: Gothatheartholo
Rating/Warning: PG13
Pairing: Hinted Rufus/Cloud
Disclaimer: Nope, don’t own or make money from this.
Summary: In some ways, Rufus Shinra was much worse than his father. <-- story link
A/n: The prompt’s “Rufus, after his father died”.

Anyway, another wave of prompts to choose from would be nice! For an explanation, click here.

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User: [info]gothatheartholo
Date: 2008-04-19 19:42
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Title: Secrets of Grace
Fandom: FF7
Author: Gothatheartholo
Pairing/Characters: Rufus and Cloud 
Rating/Warning: PG13
Disclaimer: Do not own.
Summary: “Is that like… a form of mediation for you or is it just a secret pleasure of yours?” Post AC. <--story link
A/n: For the Rufus/Cloud comm called lamentofthefall. 

Anyway, another wave of prompts to choose from would be nice! For an explanation, click here.

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User: [info]gothatheartholo
Date: 2008-01-01 22:44
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Think of it as a present of sorts from me:  God, this took a lot of courage to x-post this:

Title: Obscure
Fandom: FF7
Author: Gothatheartholo
Pairing: Rufus/Cloud, Kadaj/Rufus and Kadaj/Cloud
Rating/Warning: NC17 for mindf*cking, smut and weird stuff. You’ve been warned.
Disclaimer: SE pwns.
Summary: Shameless porn. That is all. [There was a thrill in doing this though, in controlling someone so unstable under him. ] <-- link
A/n: Gotta thank Buyo for giving the basic idea (that I now twisted for my needs), so I dedicate this to her too! XD RC kakumei~! Also for the song challenge: Obscure, and Sim and Diff challenge: Disease. I’m so going to hell for this, but yesssss, let’s start off this year with a bang! /sniggers at the pun/

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User: [info]gothatheartholo
Date: 2007-12-21 08:54
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Title: Quite a Moment
Fandom: FF7
Author: Gothatheartholo
Pairing: Heavily implied Rufus/Cloud
Rating/Warning: Eh, pg13 at the least.
Disclaimer: Don’t own those people.
Summary: Rufus talks too much for Cloud’s tastes, really. <-- link
A/n: For the Sim and Diff challenge: Blue. This is actually an old-ish fic of mine that I wrote probably months ago and was planning to revise, but then, now, I’m like, “to hell with it” so XD yeah. :D Not holding back anymore. Also, I felt like posting. So nyah. This takes place after AC… I guess. 

X-posted in like... 5 places, including this one, in total. :D sorrrry~

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User: [info]gothatheartholo
Date: 2007-08-12 23:49
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Music:M is for Monster

Testing, testing. 

/plays M is for Monster from slayers anime and dances to it)

<(<.<<) (>>.>)> <(*w*)> <(~_^<) (>^_~)>


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my journal
April 2008