May. 28th, 2009


9 Sean Faris (liveaction!Kyo) and 12 King of Fighters icons here!



Mar. 10th, 2008


icons: neo geo battle coliseum

NGBC-themed icons. I think there's like, one image of Rock in here that's not from NGBC, and there's one character who isn't in King of Fighters... okay, so maybe I'm a little biased.

Anyway, I don't expect anyone would actually use these, but just in case... tell me what you think! And credit is nice but I'm not going to murder anyone. It's 100x100 pixels for god's sake.

--2 Iori Yagami
--2 Kyo Kusanagi
--1 Iori x Kyo
--1 Kaede
--2 Rock Howard
--1 Terry Bogard

Read more... )

Feb. 19th, 2008


Okay, so. Here's the deal. Normally? I don't care if you don't credit my icons. I don't in this case, except for a few of them. Said few are from MI2/2006's ending and opening. I ripped the movie from my game and took the screens myself, because all I could find were low-res crap. So, if you use one of the MI2/2006 ones, credit. 'Kay? Simple. Everything else? Not necessary, just don't claim as your own.

... And a few of these are old. '05 old.

When I look at these, it's sad to know that the twins just practically took over. Not that I mind that. Sad thing is, there would have been more if I had more shots to use and most of the shots I have are biased against Soiree, the bastards. My folder is just full of fanart and I refuse to use that against the artist's wishes.

... And I should sleep after posting this.

Soiree x 5
Alba x 8
Alba and Soiree x 5
Alba and Luise x 1
Nagase x 1
Mai x 1
Iori x 3
Kyo x 1
K' x 1
Mignon x 1

Total: 27

Witty remark goes here. )