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Nov. 10th, 2015


all day || action || open to all

[Normally, the Usyagi are off doing their own thing, unless someone requires their assistance - new arrivals, customers at the various shops in the city, people who wish to request something from them. So it might be surprising at first to see them much more present than usual. Unsettling to many, considering their apparent link to the magic of this world, and various events...

What are they up to? Well, should you approach them, or should you ignore them for long enough that they decide to seek you out instead, they'll hand you a little card, and leave. In this card, there's a simple question:

"Truth or Dare?"

Should your characters answer this question, out loud or mentally (maybe they think anyone would pick 'dare'!), the card will then change to a specific truth or dare set out of them, with a note that they must fulfill the requirement (talk about a deep secret, say what they really think of someone they know, help out somebody, insult the first person they meet, get up to the middle of the park and sing a song at the top of their voice, make a new friend, try to steal a cake from one of the shops, and so on) within the next few days. If they picked truth, then it'll be up to them to find someone to tell these things about. If they picked dare, then the same applies, as long as the dare involves other people.

And what if they ignore the note? Or pick one, but choose not to follow through? Well, they'll be pranked by Miracle Country. They'll find themselves with an embarrassing outfit, or realize their shop was invaded by stray cats that won't stop making a mess, or find that their rooms have been turned upside down. Nothing fatal, but it might be easier at times to simply play along... Of course, if you absolutely hate your truth/dare, you could always complain enough that maybe you'll get a different one - usually switching to dares, as people sometimes are more comfortable doing ridiculous things than being honest about some topics.

Oh, and of course, nothing says someone can't get more than one card. So have fun with that!]

[[Truth or Dare post, as you can see! It isn't mandatory, so feel free to use this for mingle purposes outside of these shenanigans.]]

Oct. 31st, 2015


everywhere || action || open

[The tremors from the earthquake may be over but things are shakier than ever in the days that pass since the ball. Exposed vampires and their motives have been brought into question. Humans have been turned and fed from in the bloody mess of it all, and even the balance of the kingdom is at stake now. Hunters gather to decide how to handle the situation, while vampires with the most to lose from the leaked secrets must be frantic to keep anyone looking to flee Samara from escaping. No one can simply leave, not now.

But the fact is that neither side can hold out for long either. What will those caught in between do? There's plenty of injured (and vampires crazed by all that blood, even more likely to lose it and attack) and visitors that had nothing to do with the conflict and now dragged into it beyond anything they could have imagined. The rumors are running wild among those recovering and there's the feeling that they all have only moments before hunters and vampires are facing off against one another. Samara may well be on its way to becoming the location of sparking a full out war.]

[Beyond any skirmishes that break out, they won't get to decide -- A powerful wind of black flower petals sweeps through the world in a blur and with that everyone returns! To themselves and their own memories and the familiar landscape of Miracle Country. Typical cutesy Halloween decorations hang everywhere in sight, most so at the park where they'll all return to, greeted by food and drinks and candy alike, and costumes of all kinds courtesy of the same magic. Hope you enjoyed the drama... and Happy Halloween.]

Oct. 3rd, 2015


all weekend || action || open

[As the days pass, the colder weather becomes more evident, and Miracle Country's taken note of it. People around the islands will find colorful flyers around, indicating there's a sale on warm clothes! Anything from blankets to sweaters, hats, jackets, gloves and even fluffy socks, now's a good chance to stock up on these. The shopping district will appear to have more clothing stores than usual, with varied styles and different items on sale.

So why not take advantage of the weekend to stroll around and get what you need? Perhaps even take pity on those newly arrived and get them some gifts, too. It'll be quite peaceful for the time being, no tricks, no magical clothes doing anything... Although it might seem strange that with Miracle Country's love for themed holidays, Halloween decorations and items aren't really set up this time.]

[[Little lazy mingle! Use as you'd like.]]

Sep. 25th, 2015


all weekend || action || open

[Fall has started, and to those unfamiliar with the seasonal changes in the world, the abrupt change might seem odd. The temperature's dropped, the days are getting shorter, and quickly and surely, the leaves in most trees will dry out, starting to fall and cover the paths and ground all around Miracle Country.

Moreover, this time around they seem a very insistent red color, rather than the usual mix of browns you'd expect from such a view. The reason for it should be obvious by Sunday, when a blood moon joins in to add to the tints of red everywhere, as once it's passed, the landscape will slowly change into the more usual one for the time of the year.

Until then, enjoy the view.]

Sep. 20th, 2015


all weekend || action || open

[Things have returned to normal, likely to many people's relief given the past events. These days seem pretty out of the ordinary for Miracle Country, as well, given that things are peaceful and no one is being magically shoved around.

But here and there, on tree branches, window sills, maybe getting close enough to stand on your hand if you'll let them, birds will appear. Birds with mechanical bodies, in various colors, looking and behaving real enough and yet evidently not. They aren't dangerous, they'll just want to sing.

When they sing, their songs will evoke emotions, a lot more easily than any common song could, even a really good one. Feelings of happiness, of belonging, of love. Of longing, and sorrow, and grief. If you're lonely, they might keep you company and try to cheer you up. Perhaps you'll simply be curious about them and end up caught up listening to them. They do want their songs to be heard, afterall.]

[[Little mingle! Abuse it as you'd like.]]

Sep. 11th, 2015


everywhere || action || open

[It's late at night, probably time for everyone to call it a day and head off to bed. Nothing too unusual. In fact, even those who usually stay up late might feel the need to get a good night of sleep today, so it'll make for a quiet night everywhere...

Only after a couple of hours, they might realize there was some movement, possibly even wake up from it if they're light sleepers. Surprise! You're not alone, if you went to sleep on your own. Or you're not with the person you were sharing with, if you were already accompanied. Hell, it might not even look like it's your bed you're sleeping in - beds all over the hotels will have changed, to fancier ones at times, other times to smaller, more cramped ones, maybe even just sleeping bags. You could even find yourselves in one of the many locations outside, on a hammock, or a more elaborated set-up, even inside a bubble of sorts.

Whichever the switch is, you'll have to learn to embrace it for a while (or embrace your new bed partner, we don't judge here), because it'll be impossible to get away for at least some time after the change. Not only that, but the switching around isn't limited to the one night. Lasting for the weekend, the general sleepy feeling will come back again (sometimes during the day, as well) and provoke random naps from people... who might end up in a bed with other victims yet again.

At least Miracle Country worries about hurt sensibilities, so of course if your character might lean towards lighter clothing while sleeping (or none at all - again, we don't judge), the magic of the world shall provide them with cute, warm pyjamas to wear once the switch has happened. Even if it happens during the day, they wouldn't want anyone to be uncomfortable. Of course, should they find themselves ending up wearing something less appropriate, that's just their bad luck.]

[[Replay of the bed sharing event! Mingle as you'd like. The plotting post for it can be found here.]]

Aug. 29th, 2015


009 ⚜ Action | open to all

[So it’s that time again. Anyone who was around last year might remember that it’s a certain someone’s birthday today! And like last year, a Porthos Party basically just means lots of drinking, lots of carrying on, shenanigans, card games, shouting, more drinking, more carrying on, more drinking…

The entire beach has been commandeered for this. Aramis has even set up some things to make it obvious it's a party going on. There might even be a few stray balloons floating around (or a few broken balloons since inevitably they're going to be shot at).

You’ve probably been invited. Or maybe you’re party-crashing. Honestly, Porthos isn’t about to complain. And no presents necessary (although if you wanted to bring something more to drink, he won’t complain, either).

Trying to ignore the party? Good luck, cause it’s lasting all day and well into the night. And just getting progressively louder and louder. Are those gunshots?

But not totally dissimilar to last year, it seems this world wants to get into the celebrations, too! So during the party, you might suddenly find yourself in a whole new outfit that you weren’t expecting! Maybe that new costume will start to influence your behavior, too…]

[ooc: this is an open log and feel free to jump in however you’d like. If you’d like to interact with Porthos specifically, his top comment is here. Otherwise, mingle as you see fit! Also note that the event replay is not mandatory.]

Aug. 20th, 2015


4th wall event second log || action || open to all

[Our 4th wall event continues! It's been a few days since the worlds of Kiseki opened up to let others in for some time, although it hasn't stopped - new arrivals keep dropping in, perhaps only to be distressed to know they've already missed a few days of their stay here. But of course, with our residents and new visitors here to receive them, it should be a little easier, right?

By now, there's been some time to adjust to the changes - knowing that they're in a new world, that those with a Mokona pin will stay here for a brief time and return to wherever they were once their pin changes from black to white; while those who lack them (and instead generally carry the typical local, magically connected-journals) are here to stay for longer. Perhaps the visitors wish they could change this, but it's a decision removed from them.

Of course, not everything has to be sadness - Kiseki is celebrating these arrivals, the trees from the islands still blooming in pink sakura everywhere, and there're opportunities to exploit now that most of the initial shocks, meetings and tears have passed. Kiseki offers many places to visit and explore, and why miss the chance to do so? Will you be playing something at the Sports island with a friend? Or maybe trying out the pool there? Do you feel like checking out its library, or simply staying in the underground rooms below the hotels' area to watch a movie or have some quiet time. Perhaps you don't care much for walking around and would rather enjoy a friend or loved one's company while hanging out at the Sakura Park, near its lake and river, or head down to the beach. Maybe you'd like to take a boat ride, or take the chance to ride a flying train? There's even the amusement park, or the zoo with its strange creatures. There's the garden island with its ever-changing flora, and the deep forests, with its caves and a strange, large skeleton lying deep in it. Watch out for any creatures, local and visitors, that might be lurking around, though!

You could even visit the places run by those who stay here long-term, if their workers have showed up despite the general chaos, or if they simply know you and wish to let you see them! The school where several people attend and teach, the (also very pink) Cherry Blossom Café, the Candy Shop, the Bakery, The Bar, the Sheriff Office... Hell, it's a great time to suggest actual names for these places, too. A good chance to bond with the owners.

And really, take your chances now - time is surely passing, and many of those pins must be almost halfway white by now! Enjoy your stay while it lasts...]

[[Second 4th wall mingle log!
- THE EVENT'S INFO and place to ask any questions to the mods.
- There is a list of characters introduced if you are having troubele navigating through all the top levels and threadjacks.
- Remember that game rules, as well as the info in our FAQ all still apply.
- Event threads will be counted as game-canon, unless something turns out to cause trouble for the players. In that sense, we ask that people 'visiting' are mindful of people's permissions & stats, and keep in mind to communicate with our players if anything should come up! Likewise, while the event is a 4th wall breaking one, don't break it as far as making the characters aware that they're in a made-up world and being played by people on the internet. See our game rules & FAQ for further info on the setting.
- Characters already in-game must add their tags to the logs as usual, anyone visiting of course doesn't need to.
- If you need invite codes, contact one of our players/our mods/reply in the plotting post linked above, and we'll provide you with one.
- Make sure to add at least the following to your journal, should it lack any kind of OOC stats/information:

Aug. 14th, 2015


4th wall event || action || open to all

[Days later, and it's finally time to reveal the big mystery of the Mokona notes found around! To those who experienced this before, it might seem like it was obvious from the start, once they realize what's up...

Of course, we mean the 4th Wall Event is starting right now! For anyone awake, there'll be a burst of pink everywhere - the trees in all the islands are changing to sakura trees as is the usual for Kiseki celebrations. If sudden pink isn't enough to call people's attentions by now, it's likely the added noise and crowds might... Floating lanterns will appear around as well, meant to guide along our new visitors, who will be arriving starting at midnight! The Welcome Center will be busier than ever, but of course people may appear in other locations throughout the islands.

Like last time, visitors will arrive with a small Mokona pin that will first be colored black but will start turning white as the days go by. Once the Mokona turns white, by the 25th, it’ll sprout wings, open a portal, and send your new friends back. The pins will appear on them automatically, but they'll receive the traditional Usyagi welcome (our local creepy flying bunnies), who will give a quick, vague explanation of where they are and why they're here. One thing is clear - those wearing the pin are only here temporarily... Unless circumstances change, of course.

Our visitors will have their clothes magically changed into a comfortable yukata, matching the summer weather (they may keep their usual clothes and possessions they might've been carrying), and as a treat during the first day, there will be blankets and pillows set out around the main island's park, where picnic baskets full of all sorts of food will be available for anyone who wishes to simply relax with friends and loved ones. Or maybe it's a good way to break the news of being temporarily stuck in a different world to a new friend! Perhaps those used to this land should warn them about the risks of consuming food this world provides, although they might be lucky and left to enjoy the small celebrations in peace for a while.

Maybe they won't be so lucky, however, and end up arriving with some company! People who show up at the forests might end up followed by some creature from their own worlds (dangerous or not - think anything from Harry Potter being followed by a three-headed dog, to Aang finding himself surrounded by penguin-seals)... The forests' barriers luckily would keep anything too dangerous trapped in their depths, but these visitors might need a little help for a while, likely a good chance for the fighters and healers around to shine. Should anyone require assistance and not have it, the Usyagi will help by alerting those in the main islands about it.

Whatever it is people get up to, ten days go by pretty fast... So make sure to make the most out of it!]

[[4th wall begins now!
- THE EVENT'S INFO and place to ask any questions to the mods.
- There is a list of characters introduced if you are having troubele navigating through all the top levels and threadjacks.
- Remember that game rules, as well as the info in our FAQ all still apply.
- Event threads will be counted as game-canon, unless something turns out to cause trouble for the players. In that sense, we ask that people 'visiting' are mindful of people's permissions & stats, and keep in mind to communicate with our players if anything should come up! Likewise, while the event is a 4th wall breaking one, don't break it as far as making the characters aware that they're in a made-up world and being played by people on the internet. See our game rules & FAQ for further info on the setting.
- Characters already in-game must add their tags to the logs as usual, anyone visiting of course doesn't need to.
- If you need invite codes, contact one of our players/our mods/reply in the plotting post linked above, and we'll provide you with one.
- Make sure to add at least the following to your journal, should it lack any kind of OOC stats/information:

Aug. 4th, 2015


010 ♔ Action | open to all

[It’s been a quiet few days since the funeral pyre – but the week isn’t over yet. In fact, today is someone’s birthday, although he’s loathed to admit as much. He has a few knights here, though, who do know the day and therefore aren’t willing to leave well enough alone. That’s right, it’s Arthur Pendragon’s birthday!

All day today, venturing down into the underground tunnels – which you might want to do simply because you keep hearing sounds of voices and laughter – will lead you to a few of the underground common rooms, where extravagant feasts are being set up! Long tables full of every kind of food imaginable, both savory and reminiscent of Camelot cuisine and the more modern, sweeter touches (we mustn’t let Arthur be without his cupcakes, after all). Also drinks. Lots and lots and lots of drinks. That’s Gwaine’s influence.

Want to come celebrate a legendary king’s birthday? There’s more than enough food for everyone.

The reason the feast is being held underground is because today, somewhat abnormal for a Kiseki summer, it’s starting to rain. Not too heavy, but unrelenting – lasting throughout the day and several days afterwards and covering the entire island. It’s a little muggy outside, but the rain is chilling – so it might encourage you to stay indoors if you were thinking of venturing out. But it isn’t as if there aren’t means to entertain yourself, of course.

Unrelated to the birthday celebrations today, there’s another strange happening. All over the walls of the hotel, the underground tunnels, any building you might come across, even pasted to the walls of your room, there will be little Mokona shaped cards – white and black – with one simple question printed on it: “Who do you wish to see?”

You can’t remove them and they won’t go away. They’ll be here throughout the week. Perhaps you recognize them or perhaps you don’t. But, really…

Who do you wish to see?]

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