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Apr. 19th, 2014


002 ❄ Video/Action | Open to everyone

[Anyone who may have passed by Snow's class the last few days might have seen her busily working on something that wasn't necessarily for class - hunched over, she's painting little plastic eggs, making them cute with various designs and motifs. (and feel free to approach her about it, if inclined)]

[She knows that not everyone celebrates Easter here, so many coming from different worlds and different countries, but considering how a lot of people around her have been moody ever since the feathers and various other canon shenanigans, she's set out to maybe cheer some people up.]

[So today and tomorrow, your character will find a little sheet of paper slipped underneath their door, with cute little bunnies and eggs on the paper, encouraging your character to look for the little surprises in the park and around the shopping district.]

[And throughout the day, all these little eggs she's painted can be found, plastic and therefore not likely to smell bad, but cracking them open reveals little surprises: either candy, chocolate, sometimes coins of the currency here, little sheets of paper with a compliment, little toys like whistles or bouncy balls, etc.]

[Feel free to run into her as she's hiding them, smiling to herself as she works, and maybe, sometimes, looking a bit wistful - especially when she's in the process of hiding any eggs that have baby motifs on them, or, perhaps, unicorns.]

[ooc: and feel free to use this post as a mingle post, too, if you'd like! Go find eggs with your frands.]

Apr. 16th, 2014


003 ⚜ Video/Action

[Anyone who may stray away from the hotels today might come across this guy who in the mun's typical need for fanservice is currently training, coat discarded to the side and shirt loose on his shoulders as he throws himself mercilessly at a punching bag, clearly in the mindset of training but... looking distracted, all the same.]

[He tugs his shirt off after a moment, wiping at his forehead before tossing it absently towards his coat - and stretches a bit for a moment, and there's a nice display of all the scars across his back, chest, and shoulders before he flexes again and attacks the punching bag anew, grunting a little in concentration even when it's clear that his mind is elsewhere and he is, in his typical fashion, overthinking even as he attempts for impulse.]

[This continues on for a bit before he pulls back with a sigh, trying to catch his breath, looking frustrated - but not really at the punching bag so much as what he's thinking about. He bends down absently, pushing aside his shirt and coat and digging around his discarded weapons, retrieving his gun with a thoughtful frown - debating target-practice but knowing it'll only make him think more, not less.]

Apr. 14th, 2014


Action/video || Open to everyone

[There's a short video recording from inside Merlin's and Arthur's room - which is currently a complete mess, clothes thrown everywhere, rests of food over the bed, a lamp knocked down, etc. And if you look over to the window (or happened to be passing by it from outside the building), you'll see a little boy climbing over it, trying to sneak out.

Which is proving difficult to do while still holding onto a half-eaten cupcake. The struggle is real.]

Come on, I'm almost...

Apr. 8th, 2014


Action || Open to everyone

[It's late at night, and everything's calm and quiet. The sky is clear, perhaps more than usual, almost as though it's inviting people to look up at it. It seems tonight is the perfect time for a late stroll - maybe you had a bad dream and felt like clearing your mind. Maybe you couldn't fall asleep at all. Or you were just drawn by the pretty stars and the relaxing atmosphere, perfect to recover from the stress of having almost lost important memories...]

Apr. 2nd, 2014


Action || Open to everyone

[Happy (belated) CLAMP day, everyone! We're following our tradition and having an event for the date.

This year, it's a memory sharing event. Characters will find that they're holding a feather (or perhaps more than one), and they'll know that this feather contains a memory. It could be anything, big or small, happy or sad, that much is up to you. Now, they hold these representations of their own memories for a reason! They're meant to hand them over to someone else. In doing so, the person they give the feather to will experience this memory in a vision. There's a catch, however; the person receiving this memory has to be someone who didn't experience it or witness it too.

Now, if they decide they'd rather not give it to anyone, they'll realize the memory contained in that feather is slowly fading away from their own memories. They'll forget names, faces, events from the memory, until they eventually forget it entirely. Sometimes the memory fading will be a lot faster, and they'll know they have to act quick and don't have the luxury to be sitting around considering who to trust with it. They'll know that, unless shared with someone, the memory will be forgotten entirely. Or, well, "entirely", as Kiseki would have mercy and return it to them, after several weeks (how much is up to you).

The memory exchange will happen when someone else touches the feather - and it means that, yes, you can force someone to see your memory, or you can forcefully view them yourself. And while feathers with memories only work once and then disappear, they could reappear with the same memory in them later.

Of course, the event isn't mandatory, your characters being affected by it at all is entirely your choice.]

Feb. 21st, 2014


4th Wall Event - Final log || Open to EVERYONE

The 4th wall event is ending!

As everyone should already know, the visiting period is coming to an end. Even Kiseki itself seems to be aware of it, the cheerful decorations and even the blooming sakura trees returning back to normal, leaving a shower of sakura petals on the ground. Because it's a time for good-byes and an opportunity that doesn't arrive often, Kiseki will help make this separation a little easier!

All around the different islands, and even within the hotel rooms, characters might find baskets and boxes with various things. Cameras, photo albums, colored papers and various other things fit for scrapbooks, varied stationery for letters, and so on. There're even a few booths for purikura.

Even if your characters aren't the type to care for mementos, by the time the evening rolls by everyone will be sent one of Miracle Country's usual mental messages, urging them to go to the beach. There will be a beautiful sunset that will persist way into the night, but around midnight the sun will finally set and with it, the Mokona pins will activate and visitors will disappear back to their worlds.

Enjoy the time until then and thanks to everyone who joined us!

- Event rules
- List of characters who've posted to the log
- Game FAQ

Also to players in game: you should add your character tag to the entry tags as usual; characters who aren't in game will not be able to and don't have to worry about it.]

(Credit for picture here)

Feb. 14th, 2014


4th Wall Event || Open to EVERYONE


It’s shaping up to be another ordinary day in Kiseki, until suddenly, your character is in the main park and despite the winter weather as of late, the trees in the park have all become cherry trees, all in bloom and raining sakura petals everywhere – it even seems as if it’s falling from the sky, too, mixed in with maybe some feathers too, if you look close enough.

Everything is set up like a big celebration is underway! There are balloons & signs hanging everywhere shaped like flowers, feathers, teddy bears, butterflies, chess pieces, dove motifs (like on her hat), bunnies, and things of that nature. There are also decorative fans with the same types of motifs throughout park. Throughout the entire island, there’ll be red strings connecting everywhere overhead, as well as stars and raindrops hanging from the blossoming trees. Once it starts to get dark each night, there will be lanterns to light your way.

You might think, well, it’s a festival, again. But that’s not what we’re celebrating.

You have to wait – there are all these new people here, too! These new visitors all arrive with a little Mokona pin that starts out black but will start turning white as the week progresses. For your new friends will only be here for this week only, and once the Mokona turns white, it’ll sprout wings, open a portal, and send your new friends back to their original worlds.

Until then, though, your new friends might be feeling a little confused! But Kiseki is taking care of you, too, visitors: from your Mokona pin’s jewel forehead, a projecting window will open with a hologram of a Welcome Center woman who will explain to you just what’s going on – this is a whole new world, and you were brought here to provide company to those who have been here for so long and are starting to miss you or want to meet you. You can’t escape, not for a week at least, but please don’t be scared. Time has been temporarily stopped back home in order to allow you to enjoy yourselves fully. So don’t worry, go and find those who are waiting for you.

[Please note that this event lasts February 15th until February 21st, and Kiseki's world will open up for visitors of all worlds.

Please be sure to state somewhere in your journal your character’s name, canon, canon point, and whether spoilers are okay! (Check the link below for more info.)

A side-note to muns/those bringing in characters to fourth wall – while the fourth wall is indeed been broken, please don’t break it to the point where the characters would become aware that they aren’t real and that this is an internet-based rpg where each character is played by a mun.

- Event rules
- List of characters who've posted to the log
- Game FAQ

That’s it! Go wild and have fun! If you need more invite codes, please comment on the event announcement post and the mods or players will give you one!

Also to players in game: you should add your character tag to the entry tags as usual; characters who aren't in game will not be able to and don't have to worry about it.]

(Credit for picture here)

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