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Sep. 14th, 2014


[Action | Locked to Ucchii]

[It's been a few days since Moushinosuke took over Daigo's body. He's tried so far to not cause much trouble and he's tried his best to convince Utsusemimaru to follow his routine without worrying so much about him. With the expected results, that is.

Today, however, he thinks he finally managed to put the samurai at ease, and Moushinosuke... well, basically escaped to the Garden Island and is taking a stroll through one of the Japanese gardens.]

Sep. 8th, 2014


[Video - Open to action]

[Daigo's face shows up on the video, although he looks more serious than usual. He stares at the journal as if he had trouble accepting it'll show his image and words to other people. Which is actually the case. In the end, he decides to give it a try and starts speaking.

It turns out he doesn't sound like Daigo either. He's way less bubbly and more firm.]

Good day, citizens of Miracle Country. In due fairness, I must clarify the situation. My name is Iwaizumi Moushinosuke. I used to be a samurai lord four hundred years ago, and for some mysterious reason, now I am inhabiting the body of a youth named Daigo Kiryu.

It is my wish to avoid any confusions, although I'm looking forward to know more people of the modern era.

Please, don't be shy!

[He laughs, somewhat obnoxiously, before closing down the journal.]

((Open to action at the Spirit Base or anywhere your character might meet with this guy. He's going to be all over familiarizing himself with Kiseki while he's here.
ETA because I forgot: The thread with Ucchii is backdated to early this morning.>))

Aug. 30th, 2014


[Action || Open]

[Some might have noticed that, for the last few days, there had been one person missing from Kiseki. During the night, Yukine had been brought back to his world and it's actually been months since he's been in Kiseki for him. And he's quite different from before.

At first sight, though, the only visible difference would be his injuries. He's hurt and tired, and his head hurts from all the memories from Kiseki flowing back into his head. He's sitting by a tree in the park, trying to catch his breath back. Just a few moments ago, he was fighting with the Stray and now... He was back there again. And how come he had forgotten about it when he was back home...?]

Aug. 28th, 2014


[Accidental video | Action at the Spirit Base - open for everyone who wants to drop by]

[Daigo had already promised Torin he would help with his vacations, but now he had said so to Souji as well, and he was more than willing to deliver. That Souji might or might not have had time to react before he left to make things ready was besides the point.

In any case, Daigo recruited Ucchii's help to transform the Spirit Base into a spa. The Bravest Spa in history, even. They worked during the night, sneaking in the furniture and the candles and everything else, to surprise their friends when they got up in the morning.

Daigo's sock, where he kept all the money he'd saved during this past months working at the Sakura Café, is now as empty as his heart is brave. But who cares? He certainly doesn't.]

[The video shows Daigo turning on the last cinnamon-scented candles and then looking at his masterpiece.]

I think we're finally ready!

((OOC: Open post for everyone who needs to relax for the day! If you guys want to use it to mingle is perfectly fine too. <3))

Aug. 27th, 2014


[Accidental video | Open to everyone for action]

[Lilo was happily playing in Sakura Park with her dolls when she noticed something on her skirt. He picked it up and stared at it for a moment. Then, she poked her mouth.

A gasp followed.]

My tooth fell!

[She stood up and turned around, properly panicked.]

I'm loosing my teeth!

[She obviously needs some help here.]

Aug. 25th, 2014


all day || open to everyone

[Today, the sun is shining, the weather is perfectly nice and calm, and it's a perfect day to go outside and get active!

Are you jogging early in the morning? Swimming across the lake? Practising some swordfighting with your friends? Doing some magic training? Or maybe practicing elemental bending? If you'd been missing your daily practices, today you'll be sure to remember to get to them!

Or at least feel guilty if you skip them anyway and choose to be lazy instead.]


001 † video | action | open

[The video begins to reveal a young Japanese male in a high school uniform, staring intently at the journal as though he expects it to literally blow up in his face. The sight of the Welcome Center is clearly visible behind him. He stares at the journal for nearly thirty seconds, turning it one way, then the other, before tossing it up into the air and then catching it.

The boy scoffs at the device, muttering to himself in a flat and unemotional voice.]

This is stupid...

[With that, the feed shuts off.]


[If anyone happens by the Welcome Center, they'll find a very confused and skittish Souji out front. Despite how unfazed he seemed on the video, he's circling the immediate area, unable to stay still while he tries to figure out what's going on. Sure, the Welcome Center ladies tried to get him up to speed, but who's to say there isn't something more at work here? Staying calm is not one of Souji's strong points.]

Aug. 23rd, 2014


[Action || Video || Open]

[It had already been a few hours since Makoto had arrived to Kiseki and he still was as lost as he was when he opened his eyes and found himself in such a strange place, with a journal he has never seen before. He decided to not pay much attention to it and instead set himself to look for his friends. If he was kidnaped and brought there, there was a chance the rest were there, right? After all, they were all together. That was the last thing he could remember.

His first obvious decision was to check the lake once he saw it. If Haku was there, it was most likely that he was there, in the lake, swimming. After all, his friend could hardly keep himself in check when there was a big body of water such as this one close by. Unknown to him, the journal had started recording him on accident, showing a rather young man, very tall and built, looking around the lake.]

Haru! Rin! Nagisa! Rei! Is anyone here?!

[He hopes to find some familiar face soon. But either way, it was a beautiful day in Kiseki and the water looked nice enough to swim in.]

((ooc: feel free to use this for any mingle needs you might have!))

Aug. 14th, 2014


all day || open to everyone

["Free". What does this word mean to you? Today, it's a day to embrace freedom - as much as you can while being trapped in a different world against your wishes, that is.

Is it doing what you love that makes you feel free? Reading a book, or watching your favorite film and being immersed into adventures in another land? Learning new skills that make you feel more useful and empowered? Being with your friends?

Kiseki will facilitate these things today. You might find just what you needed set out so you can practice that new skill or sport you wanted to. You may even find all volumes of Love Touch and fulfill your dreams!]


audio/text/video, feel free to action it up

[Accidental audio:]

--No, I've... I've heard enough. [The words are clipped; trying for firm politeness, but there's a note of stress to them that's clear even over the chatter of the welcoming committee. The WC ladies have no sense of personal space and by the time the audio starts recording, Elsa just might be at the end of her rope trying to make them back off.] I understand it's important. I'll write. Don't. [Stop touching her.] I'll be fine. Thank you.

[It's an additional couple of minutes before she's escaped the overwhelming welcome and gathered herself enough to actually write as promised, but once she does, it's in a pretty, cursive handwriting:]

If this book really works the way I've been told it does, I suppose what I'm asking for is an alternative explanation to this situation than the one I've been presented.

[Other worlds? Time stopping? It doesn't makes sense.] By whose authority am I here? I request an audience immediately. Any... conditions to my release I'd rather be brought directly to me. [Can she negotiate her own ransom? She'll at least pretend she can.] You must understand I'm not going to stay.

[Is that commanding and queenly enough? Please be commanding and queenly enough. After a brief hesitation, she adds something a little softer:]

If there is anyone reading this, with any information to share... please. I'd be in your debt.

[Still unaware that there was an audio recording to begin with, Elsa intends it to be all text, but the journal decides to top it off with a brief video: belying the calm, collected message, it shows Elsa standing not far from the Welcome Center, fidgeting with her hands as she awaits responses, her face contorted with worry. She's got this, clearly.]

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