August 2017




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Sep. 4th, 2015


so many foreign worlds ● so ready for us (mark 01)



Tony sits on a bench in the park alone, calling out to passers-by. He was told he'd gain something back by being nice to the people here. Soon it will become apparent this isn't his strong suit. He's wearing a loose, casual button-up, just barely covering the glowing reactor underneath, jeans and some funky looking hi-tops, legs crossed and his arms braced on the back of the bench.

"Nice weather we're having...?" He looks and sounds physically pained. Well, he is, but not about the weather. This shouldn't be so hard. "I like your - um. Never mind." He's starting to think this is a lost cause.

(( feel free to make up something else too, he's just calling out weird, innocuous things. and if you commentspam i will tag you accordingly. ))

Aug. 29th, 2015


009 ⚜ Action | open to all

[So it’s that time again. Anyone who was around last year might remember that it’s a certain someone’s birthday today! And like last year, a Porthos Party basically just means lots of drinking, lots of carrying on, shenanigans, card games, shouting, more drinking, more carrying on, more drinking…

The entire beach has been commandeered for this. Aramis has even set up some things to make it obvious it's a party going on. There might even be a few stray balloons floating around (or a few broken balloons since inevitably they're going to be shot at).

You’ve probably been invited. Or maybe you’re party-crashing. Honestly, Porthos isn’t about to complain. And no presents necessary (although if you wanted to bring something more to drink, he won’t complain, either).

Trying to ignore the party? Good luck, cause it’s lasting all day and well into the night. And just getting progressively louder and louder. Are those gunshots?

But not totally dissimilar to last year, it seems this world wants to get into the celebrations, too! So during the party, you might suddenly find yourself in a whole new outfit that you weren’t expecting! Maybe that new costume will start to influence your behavior, too…]

[ooc: this is an open log and feel free to jump in however you’d like. If you’d like to interact with Porthos specifically, his top comment is here. Otherwise, mingle as you see fit! Also note that the event replay is not mandatory.]

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