August 2017




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Oct. 18th, 2014


action || open to everyone

[How's it going, Kisekians? Are you weirded out or traumatized enough yet? Have you lost your ability to feel anything at all and therefore don't care about trauma? Are you angry because you can no longer tie your shoes?

No worries, though, Miracle Country has just the way to cheer you all up. Stopping the attacks? Please, are you new? Come on. In fact, you might be so not new you might've already spent a whole year here! Kiseki is celebrating opening itself up to more dimensions, not that anyone around would understand that's the point.

In the Sakura park, in place of its usual perpetually pink tree, there'll be a massive, multiple-layered cake, decorated in white and, you guessed it, little pink sakura flowers. On top of it there'll be a candle indicating one, and there'll be small tables with plates and utensils to eat the cake if anyone'd like to. There'll be balloons and confetti falling randomly on people all day, as well as native Kisekians passing around party hats.

It seems even the monsters are celebrating, as today any you encounter will be carrying its own cute party hat as well. Not even being a soulless-NPC can stop Miracle Country's festive cheer!]

Oct. 1st, 2014


video || open to everyone

[Time for more videos, this time recording from inside one of the hotel rooms, specifically near a large mirror by one of the walls.

There's a blur of red on the feed as the journal is covered in a Camelot knight cape for a moment, and then it shows the reflection in the mirror, of what might look like Lancelot at first glance but is really Aramis, standing there trying on the cape. He fusses with it, adjusting it over the loose, puffy white shirt he usually wears (and which currently is the only other thing he's wearing, but at least those shirts are pretty damn long so Snow doesn't have to kill anyone today), staring at his own reflection thoughtfully before attempting a pose, standing with his back straight and his chin out, his expression serious and fitting of a soldier on duty.

He raises an eyebrow at his reflection, and then leans over, reaching up to, well, "fix" his hair, which is more like purposefully messing it up even more than it is. He grabs one side of the cape and attempts another pose, but when he tries to make it swish he knocks over a bunch of bottles of perfumes and other things that were near the mirror, so he's cursing and ducking to pick them up.]

Sep. 29th, 2014



[Everywhere. They're being put up everywhere. On trees, on buildings, in the park, on benches, on trash cans, on the sidewalk... for any of the individuals who look down when they walk. Since Ioryogi isn't allowed to be seen walking or talking or writing in journals, she's got to take things into her own hands...! So if he's here, she's determined to find him!

She can be found attempting to hang her Wanted posters up in any kind of ridiculous place. And if she sees someone, she'll be sure to press a poster into the individual's hand.]

Excuse me! Have you seen this stuffed animal?

Sep. 24th, 2014


[ action || open to everyone ]

[Ever since the start of this week, you may have noticed a change in the weather and the general mood of Kiseki. Yes, summer is over. While it was really quite warm following up to this week, this week it's a little cooler, a little crisper - and other than the sakura tree that's always in bloom, all the other trees in the park and forests have begun to change color and fall. Fall is here in Miracle Country!

This week, maybe you need a little adjusting. Need to buy some warmer clothes? Have a sudden urge to eat something pumpkin-flavored or caramel-flavored? There are piles of leaves to hop into, maybe.

And throughout this week, the crisp, clear skies may cloud over and it'll start to drizzle, and sometimes even just rain. It'll drizzle throughout the day with some sun breaks, but it's definitely a clear indication of the change in the seasons.

But when it's not raining, and your character feels like exploring, they'll find literal cornicopias of fruits and vegetables all throughout the garden island, the park, and the forests. Sample them for yourselves, or perhaps make a pie with them.

Autumn is a time of harvest and abundance but also a time of waning sunlight and longer nights... so perhaps you feel that shift in the air, and are left reflecting on it.

Regardless, autumn is here.]

Sep. 23rd, 2014


crystal the first • video

People trapped in this world!

[a young female voice is booming authoritatively from your journal, residents of Kiseki. when you open it to look at the perpetrator, your eyes may be violently pink. a teenager with cotton candy pink hair, and styled in not dissimilar shapes.....]

[she looked fierce and determined at first, but her expression softens into one of cheer and encouragement]

The ladies here tell me that I'm not the only one stuck here, some of you for a very long time. I want to make you all a personal promise that I'll do everything I can to get us all out of here, together! [yeah so that AIR OF AUTHORITY is back, the girl snapping to attention] Even if this place is super cute, I won't be fooled by its facade! It's suspicious and cruel to steal people from their home worlds, no matter how adorable you appear!

[claps a hand to her chest, clear sign of some upcoming vow]

I swear, in the na-

[she freezes, mid-word, mouth comically hanging open for a brief second before she closes it, turning deeply red in embarrassment and smiling sheepishly.]

Um. In the...nature of goodwill and...altruism? [SWEATS NERVOUSLY] That I will, ah. I will do everything I can to. Add to your home going efforts! And um. [she giggles nervously, but that seems to be the last of her embarrassment and she smiles, confident and friendly]

My name is Chibiusa. I can't wait to meet you all!

[she waves energetically before the feed cuts]

Sep. 21st, 2014


001 ⚓ Action/Video

[At first there’s just a video of boobs because she’s leaning over the journal and humming to herself thoughtfully. Because clearly that’s what we’re all interested in here, right. And then there’s a heavy sigh and Isabela’s face comes into view as she brushes back her hair]

Well. Well, well, in terms of waking up in strange places, this is hardly the strangest I’ve woken up to, believe me. In fact, one time, I woke up to a strange hat hanging from a banister, an incredibly chatty lust demon possessing a flower pot, and a heartbroken man who wanted nothing more than to tattoo my name on his very prominent backside. Now that was a party.

This? This is just quaint. Just too sweet for words. Such a shame, as I’ll take an underbelly over all this cheer any day of the week.

Now then, if you lovelies could point me in the nearest exit, that’d be fabulous. There’s a joke in there about “pulling out” but I’ll spare you that unless you ask very nicely. But you’ll understand if I want to save my better material for an audience I can actually see – preferably drinking down The Hanged Man’s swill.

And at the risk of using a joke that I’ve already used before: Captain Isabela, at your service. I require a nice stiff one … and a drink. [Heh.] It’s a classic, after all, so nothing wrong with a little rehashing. I do so like a good, old-fashioned do over. Leaves you all a’tingle if you do it right.

And if you’ve heard that before, don’t worry. Nothing wrong with getting to know me more than once. Twice is lovely. Three times? Then I really am a difficult person to forget.

I’ll be waiting for your reply.

[Barring that, anyone passing by the Welcome Center will see her hanging around looking utterly bored, so there's that to consider as well.]

Sep. 15th, 2014


video & action || open to everyone

[After having some time apart and realizing this whole "being trapped in another world" thing wasn't going to be over any time soon, David & Mary Margaret meet once again, managing to scream less this time. They're both so done with all of this, emotionally exhausted from all the new information, the people they can't remember, the fact that everyone around them insists they're happily married and have a family together.

The journal records them as they're back in their old room, going through their belongings in an attempt to have something trigger their supposedly lost memories. Mary Margaret goes through some assorted pictures, some of the two of them together, others with the kids (adopted or not). Her expression turns sadder again, so David goes sit closer to her, glancing at the pictures too. She smiles, getting wibbly again despite her efforts to keep calm.]

We looked so... [She makes a little gesture at the pictures, trying to get him to understand.]

Happy? [He finishes for her, getting the idea. Agrees, too, reaching to take one of the pics and look at it better, silent for a moment] [...] It's all I wanted to have. For us to have.

[Mary Margaret looks up at him, even more visibly emotional at his words. He starts to mumble an apology, but trails off as they just stare at each other... They move at the same moment to kiss, and the moment they do, a wave of light rushes through the air, expanding all across Kiseki. When they break apart, they look shocked.]

Snow...! [He reaches for her, pulling her closer, starting to smile.]

Charming...! [She does the same, holding to him and beaming up at him.]

[They don't even get to the you found me!1! usual lines, they're too busy kissing again.]

[[OOC: And they're back! The True Love's Kiss (TM) power will send a wave of happiness and good feelings all across the island. No grumpiness for a while! The log is a mingle, so feel free to tag each other on your own. Snow & David will have their own tags to hit if you'd like to talk to them.]]

Jun. 30th, 2014


[It's time for candy! All around Kiseki, for the following three days, Welcome Center ladies will be offering samples of candy for people to give away. And everyone will receive a little pamphlet, explaining the idea behind this - when someone gives you a piece of candy, you should thank them through a kiss! Kisses on the cheek, hand, etc. are perfectly fine, of course.

But what if you're a grump who refuses to participate, or too shy for it, you happen to not trust Kisekians with anything, or simply don't care? Well, don't worry, because this tradition is just awfully tempting. Your character may find that they simply can't resist giving away candy to others, maybe even to their worst enemy! And sometimes they simply won't be able to stop themselves from thanking this gesture through the necessary kiss.]

Jun. 27th, 2014


[ video ]

[It begins in the park, in the shade of a tree to avoid the light of the sun. He has been to his room, to the library and school. He is angry with you, Kiseki.]

It is cruel to tease.

[Distracted eyes fall on the journal beside him, recording his every movement, his fingers reaching out to touch its cover and binding, concealing its magical pages. One of the many things he doesn't understand, wants to understand, but right now, he can't bring himself to care. There is a heavy disappointment settling on him and a passive expression that could mean any number of things.]

I would have liked to have slept a while longer still.

[For just a second, something wavers in his gaze and he smiles a ghost of a smile, bitterness and annoyance hidden beneath the empty gesture.]

... very cruel indeed.

[Waking, no matter how long, never ceases to remind him of that burning thirst. He finally takes it in his hand, and as he lifts it, so too does the pretense of pleasantness that he is so very good at.]

I hope things have been well, Kiseki. Has it been eventful?

May. 12th, 2014


003 ❄ Video/Action

[Anyone listening to the journal or passing by the Welcome Center today will hear a baby's cry and Snow White shushing him, cradling him close and rocking him gently, trying to get him to sleep again, even though it's clear that she's moving relatively quickly, all things considered, in order to find Emma and Charming]

Shhh... it's alright. It's alright now. [She smiles, soft, as the baby shushes] We'll find them...

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