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Apr. 14th, 2016


action || open

[There's been time to rest and heal, after the recent events. Nothing to be concerned with, no magical flora to die for this time. The calm after the world stabilized itself continues through these days, and by all means, it looks like things are normal now. Nothing is attacking, the city looks the usual, the Usyagi still have one single expression...

And yet, something isn't quite right. As you go through your usual day, it'll be difficult not to notice... Maybe that friend of yours who always seems weighed down by their issues back home seems far too cheerful today. Or maybe your significant other is looking at you funny when you jokingly comment you're as good as married? Perhaps your usual sarcastic jokes about tragic events in your life are being met with exceedingly horrified, shocked looks. How about that person you can't stand who now doesn't even seem to recognize you or know why you shouldn't get along?

Perhaps it's not them, but you who is acting odd and doesn't realize it yet. Does something feel off? Is someone talking to you like you should know them better? Or differently? Do you even remember where you are?

What's happening, then? During the next couple of days, memories will be altered, removing significant moments in people's life from their minds. Had they achieved something? Saved someone else? Fought someone? Watched someone die, or died themselves? Had they made a big choice? Had they arrived somewhere important? Fallen in love? Were they witness to some very relevant event in their worlds? Had they formed a deeply important friendship while in this world? If it's crucial to their development, it's at risk of disappearing for a while. And with it, memories that match the loss. So perhaps you only forgot about one person, or one big event happening, or maybe you're so removed from things that you can't even recall arriving to Miracle Country in the first place.

Of course, what you forget isn't forgotten by others. So you can be told of these things you can't remember, should they wish to spoil you. Otherwise, it's simply a matter of waiting for those memories to come back - and they will, even if some might take a little longer than others.]

[[No spoilers event! Mingle as you'd like!]]

Mar. 19th, 2016


action || open

[At first, the change might not seem as immediate – there is, after all, the giant Sakura in the center of the park, still visible and still large and blooming. But today, all the trees seem to be sakura, surrounding the area and everywhere you look. It’ll soon be clear that you are no longer in the Miracle Country you know and love.

The city isn’t as you know it. Gone are the more modern-style houses and replaced with an ancient Japanese aesthetic. The sakura curve around the paths, made of stone, little streams of water and sakura blossoms falling to line the way.

And for those sensitive to magic, you’ll notice the giant barrier right away. It branches out from the giant sakura in the center of the town. Even those who can’t sense magic will be able to tell this is an old and powerful tree – it emanates its aura, the barrier strong and expansive. Seems simple enough, right?

In fact, this new ‘world’ seems idyllic in many ways. There are fields to plant crops, some vegetables already ready to harvest. The river remains, full of fish just waiting to be caught. The houses are in good repair and there’s enough supplies for everyone. The sun is shining, and it’s a warm spring day. Maybe despite yourself, you have to feel cheerful – it’s hard to see something so peaceful and lovely and not feel a simple joy with it, after all.

Well, except for the part where if you step out beyond the barriers held up by the sakura trees, you’ll find monsters lurking, just waiting to attack. And if they get past the barrier – which is known to happen – they’re aiming for one thing: sakura. They’ll do everything they can to get to them – destroying them or consuming them.

Thankfully for right now, these monsters are weak – and don’t show up that often. The barrier is strong enough to keep them out, after all, and they’re easily dispatched. And you aren’t going to necessarily know the connection between the trees and the monsters. It’s still too early to tell – if anything, it’s easy to mistake the monster’s intent: surely they’d be after the people, right? You should protect them. You'll find some basic weaponry in the houses around you - just basic-level swords or bows, nothing too fancy but it'll get the job done.

How do you fit into this, then? Characters are sorted as warriors or as priests/priestesses. The warriors are in charge of fighting the monsters that come through and the priest/priestesses are responsible for keeping the barriers strong. Warriors are unable to affect the barriers on their own just as priest/priestesses are unable to fight against the monsters with any sort of success. You’ll know which one you’ve been sorted into based on the outfits you’ll suddenly find yourself in – appropriately, the warriors will have more samurai-like garb while the priest/priestesses have outfits inspired by traditional miko.

For now, your purpose isn’t entirely clear. It seems you should be making the best of the situation you’re in: if anything, it’s like a mini-vacation. So long as you stay inside the barrier, you should be perfectly safe.]

[[ooc: our sacred sakura event begins! The event plotting post is here if you need a refresher. Other logs will be up during the timeline to show the advancement of the event. Keep in mind that things are relatively calm and peaceful at this point and the character would not know their role in everything just yet.]]

Mar. 14th, 2016


All day || Action || Open

[Lately it’s been a couple of days to get closer to each other, to get to know others, make friends. Whether it’s by sitting in a pool of soup together or cooking chocolate for Valentine’s Day, Kiseki loves to have its residents bonding with each other. And with White Day starting… well, it’s not like there had to be a reason to make something happen, but it’s always nicer when that’s the case, isn’t it?

So today, everyone will wake up with white strings around their fingers. They are long, long enough that following them might take some time. Each string represents a bond, a friendship, and to people that have a lot of friends they might soon notice that having so many strings is… quite bothersome, to say the least. They might get tangled or stuck on something and of course it’s not possible to just cut them and be done with it: they are a physical representation of a bond, after all. But luckily, the Usyagi have a solution to your problem! Soon they’ll appear everywhere with little signs, telling people that the strings will go away if they find the person it connects to and proves their friendship. So gifts, a hug, nice words, hanging out, anything is fair game.]

[Replay of the white string of fate event in honor of white day. Haha, get it? Either way, have a mingle!]

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