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Mar. 7th, 2014


011 ✿ Video/Action

[Anyone spending the afternoon on the garden island may stumble upon part of the garden where there are vegetables growing. Sakura's there, working hard on pulling up weeds and turning the soil to start planting more vegetables, should anyone care to offer a hand or ask him what the hell is up.

There's also a basket next to where he's discarded his jacket, sleeves of his shirt rolled up as he works, and the basket's full of lots of different kinds of vegetables he uses in his cooking - lots of carrots, some bok choy, some kale and other leafy greens, and an assortment of other vegetables.

He's humming to himself, happily, not aware that the journal is recording him, as well.

Even if you don't find him on the garden island, a little while later, there's another video recording of him in the kitchen of the noodle shop, cutting up and peeling the vegetables he's just collected, starting on a broth for one of the many noodle dishes he makes at the shop.

And even if you don't see the videos, the smell is wafting out the front door to the shop, so perhaps you're just called in by the delicious smells and want to have lunch with a friend, or say hello to the workers at the noodle shop.]


Action || Open to everyone

[It's another day at the school! You could be snoring in the seat way back in the classroom, or frantically taking notes, or meeting up with friends during recess, or getting lunch, or being greeted by friends or family once the day ends.

Maybe you've never been to the school and just felt like checking it out, maybe sign up for a class or get a job in it, or simply be creeped out by the monitor teachers...

Either way, there's plenty to do so go ahead and mingle]

Feb. 18th, 2014


4th Wall Event - Second Log || Open to EVERYONE

[The 4th wall event continues!

Our old residents and new visitors will now have an opportunity to relax for a while. During the evening and through the night, the park and other places across the main island will be set up so everyone can have a nice time. Under the still stubbornly-blossoming sakura trees, large blankets covered with large cushions shaped like various CLAMP mascots - Mokonas, Kero, the lightning spirit, and others. The skies will be clear, and small, floating green lights like fireflies will illuminate it.

Across the island, a few spots will hold small bonfires, with baskets of food nearby for everyone to share. Even if they're not the type to mingle, people will find themselves outside, wearing pyjamas courtesy of Miracle Country, so they might want to get close and warm up. However, among these bonfires, a few will occasionally be surrounded by butterflies. At that time, a faint, harmless smoke will come out of them, causing those nearby to suddenly feel nostalgic. Perhaps it'll make them miss those who are still not around... Or maybe they'll appreciate the visits from home even better.

Of course, new arrivals could still happen. So don't lose hope just yet. For now, just enjoy the peaceful evening.

- Event rules
- List of characters who've posted to the log
- Game FAQ

Also to players in game: you should add your character tag to the entry tags as usual; characters who aren't in game will not be able to and don't have to worry about it.]

(Credit for picture here)

Feb. 14th, 2014


4th Wall Event || Open to EVERYONE


It’s shaping up to be another ordinary day in Kiseki, until suddenly, your character is in the main park and despite the winter weather as of late, the trees in the park have all become cherry trees, all in bloom and raining sakura petals everywhere – it even seems as if it’s falling from the sky, too, mixed in with maybe some feathers too, if you look close enough.

Everything is set up like a big celebration is underway! There are balloons & signs hanging everywhere shaped like flowers, feathers, teddy bears, butterflies, chess pieces, dove motifs (like on her hat), bunnies, and things of that nature. There are also decorative fans with the same types of motifs throughout park. Throughout the entire island, there’ll be red strings connecting everywhere overhead, as well as stars and raindrops hanging from the blossoming trees. Once it starts to get dark each night, there will be lanterns to light your way.

You might think, well, it’s a festival, again. But that’s not what we’re celebrating.

You have to wait – there are all these new people here, too! These new visitors all arrive with a little Mokona pin that starts out black but will start turning white as the week progresses. For your new friends will only be here for this week only, and once the Mokona turns white, it’ll sprout wings, open a portal, and send your new friends back to their original worlds.

Until then, though, your new friends might be feeling a little confused! But Kiseki is taking care of you, too, visitors: from your Mokona pin’s jewel forehead, a projecting window will open with a hologram of a Welcome Center woman who will explain to you just what’s going on – this is a whole new world, and you were brought here to provide company to those who have been here for so long and are starting to miss you or want to meet you. You can’t escape, not for a week at least, but please don’t be scared. Time has been temporarily stopped back home in order to allow you to enjoy yourselves fully. So don’t worry, go and find those who are waiting for you.

[Please note that this event lasts February 15th until February 21st, and Kiseki's world will open up for visitors of all worlds.

Please be sure to state somewhere in your journal your character’s name, canon, canon point, and whether spoilers are okay! (Check the link below for more info.)

A side-note to muns/those bringing in characters to fourth wall – while the fourth wall is indeed been broken, please don’t break it to the point where the characters would become aware that they aren’t real and that this is an internet-based rpg where each character is played by a mun.

- Event rules
- List of characters who've posted to the log
- Game FAQ

That’s it! Go wild and have fun! If you need more invite codes, please comment on the event announcement post and the mods or players will give you one!

Also to players in game: you should add your character tag to the entry tags as usual; characters who aren't in game will not be able to and don't have to worry about it.]

(Credit for picture here)

Feb. 10th, 2014


[ video/action ]

[Because this is Stiles' life and his life basically sucks a lot, his first foray into Kiseki happens in the forest, waking up as he is, lying on half-moist moss, surrounded by trees on all sides, the moisture seeping into his clothes, and yeah, no, waking up in half-wet jeans that make you sneeze is not a nice feeling. Like, at all. He flails for a moment before managing to stand up-- and no, this is not Beacon Hills. He's intimately acquainted with the woods of Beacon Hills by now, and they don't look like this. Which means that he's a) been kidnapped, b) walked outside the county borders in his sleep, which seems unlikely as he's not even wearing his pajamas, or c) ... wait, there's no c. He's been kidnapped. Which, great. Just great.]

Okay, Stiles, think. You're... somewhere. With trees. A lot of trees. That helps. Except it doesn't, seriously, if I had to get kidnapped, why couldn't they leave me somewhere with actual clues to where I am? Like a map. A map would’ve been really helpful.

[… wait, this reminds him terribly of something.] They're not still in here somewhere, are they? Is this some sort of a hunting game? Because I am so not okay with that. In fact, I am so far from being okay with that I'm basically in Tokyo, except I'm not, because I'm pretty sure there aren't this many trees in Tokyo. […] Are there? [UH NO WAIT that is not relevant right now.]

[He runs his hand through his hair, trying to ignore that it's trembling slightly; it was really too much to hope for some peace and quiet, wasn't it. But first rule of Kidnappee 101 is to check if there's any way to contact those who might come to your help (read: Scott). So he's fishing out his cell phone from his pocket, and whoa, that's one crappy kidnapping attempt, if they didn't even take his phone; except, of course, no reception.]

Well, that would’ve been too easy. Awesome. Why can't I ever have luck on my side? Like, even once?

[But there's nothing to do about that now, so he starts walking around, trying his best not to fall down on the uneven ground and maybe hopefully find a way out of this forest. BUT WAIT, there is a... what, empty book on the ground next to him? Weird, yeah, but whatever -- he picks it up, because hey, you never know.]

Feb. 9th, 2014


001 ƸӜƷ Video | Action

. . . This has to be the weirdest kidnapping in history.

[Studying the journal, she flips it around a couple of times, tapping the egg in the center. She prefers things like cupcakes, but…]

At least it’s cute. But how- [Her brows draw down. How is a journal supposed to actually communicate with others, even through handwriting? She presses the jewel in the middle again, before her eyes widen.

Wait-- those weird ladies said this was the video function, right?]

A-Ahem! Is this working? It seems a little far-fetched for a journal, but…Here goes nothing.

[Drawing herself up, she holds a parasol over her head while she addresses her...journal.]

Excuse me. My name is Yuuki. Listen- I don’t really get the situation here. I was told I had a hotel room, or something, but… I can’t play this game. Unfortunately, I have a number of really complicated things to attend to back home and I can't afford the time to be taken away to... it's called Kiseki, right? So if you know where this really is, then please… any information would be appreciated.

Thank you.

[She bows politely, before rising. An after thought hits her.]

. . . Also I didn't have any money on me when I disappeared. Is that going to be a problem...? [Shoot...]

Jan. 22nd, 2014


⚡ 003

[Reading and writing are not yet skills the little four-year-old Utsusemimaru has developed, so instead of using his journal as it was designed, he's simply hugging it to his chest while he wanders around in search of a friendly face. His mama and papa always told him not to waste paper.

As soon as he sees someone, he shyly approaches, and asks his question in a timid, polite voice.]

Where is the lord of this land? I wanna swear feel-chie.

Jan. 20th, 2014


002 ☠ video/action

[Well look who's back. And looking around. And not looking... overly pleased, although perhaps less grumpy than the first time he arrived.]


Bloody hell.


Right then. I am entirely too sober for this. [TO THE BAR HE GOES. Cause fuck this.]

Jan. 14th, 2014


Action/Video || Open to anyone

[Having spent enough time in Kiseki that their stay seems more permanent, Snow White has decided that her and Charming's room was looking too bland. So the two are off on a mission!111! to find various decorations and things for it. You might spot them around the shopping district, or simply see the journal's various short video recordings of them hanging out in the different shops, giggling at silly items and being generally cuddly, happy and ridiculous together.

The last video (which they also don't seem to notice at all) shows them as they stop by a flower shop (sadly not the now-disappeared "Usyagi") where Snow spends a good while picking cute potted plants, and Charming sneaks off briefly, returning with a few roses that he hands to her, earning him a big smile and a kiss]

Dec. 30th, 2013



[It's New Year's! Time to recharge your batteries, start fresh, make resolutions you won't follow through, or curse your luck that you're still stuck in a goddamn sparkly island. Whichever your choice, Miracle Country is set to celebrate and get everyone together.

Starting during the evening of the 31st, the park in the main island, as well as the shopping district and other main areas all around (the Welcome Center, the hotels, etc) will be decorated with lanters, christmas lights, and other colorful things. Even a few stray mistletoes might be found among the mix, although they'll be more rare than before. Tables with all sorts of holiday-themed food and drinks will be set all over the park & shopping district plaza, as well. And by the time midnight strikes, there'll be a huge fireworks display, visible from any point in the islands.

But that's not it!

A few days ago, everyone would've gotten a little note from a Kiseki lady, instructing them on a gift exchange the place has decided to have. How does this work? It's easy - everyone is assigned someone to get a gift to at random. They're meant to attend the end of year celebrations, in order to give that present to whoever was assigned to them.

If they fail to follow through (either they don't get the present or they do but don't go to the party), they'll face some retaliation. Since not wanting to participate in these means you're most likely a big grump, you'll get your own personal grey cloud following you around, in the spirit of old cartoons - it'll randomly rain or snow on you, and getting angry at it will only make it worse. Only through an act of sincere happiness/cheer can you make the cloud disappear.

And that's about it. The list for the gift exchange can be found HERE. Just mingle and have fun, and - because the date matches - happy 6th anniversary, Kiseki!]

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