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May. 5th, 2014


003 ☠ video/action

[Anyone who may stray near the beach today, or look at their journal, will find that there's a rather large ship waiting just off shore - The Jewel of the Realm - although it's easy to see that it's completely empty, save for the young man in lieutenant garb standing at the shore of the beach with a thoughtful frown, looking around when he spots the journal, as if it were waiting for him]

[He picks it up curiously, frowning thoughtfully as he examines it but then is quickly looking around, calling out]

Captain? [When there's no answer, there's a touch of concern to his tone] Brother? ... Liam, where have you wandered off to now?

[He can't even remember what happened -- he turned his head and suddenly his brother was missing. Did he leave without him to find this "Dreamshade", then? He sighs and presses his hands to his face -- and it's notable to see that, yes, he has two hands. No hook.]

Very well. If you're going to be stubborn and go off without me into this... "Neverland", then I have no choice but to follow you. [And although there's slight exasperation and worry in his tone, after a moment he smiles and starts heading off down the beach, in search of his brother and captain]

[ooc: Hook re-intro, although replaying the "deage" event to make him ooooh, about 300 years younger lol. Once the event wears off, however, he will be from the end of 3x17, The Jolly Roger.]

Apr. 29th, 2014


003 ƸӜƷ Writing - Action

[ The poor handwriting shows up, followed by a couple of equally bad doodles. There's nothing else, though (and that's all she knows how to spell anyway). However, after a time a couple of salty, wet drops dampen the page. Hidden behind a tree in the dark, Yuuki closes the 'coloring pad' and wipes a hand across her eyes.

Mama and Papa always say she's a big girl. So she has to be big! But even Mama will be scary and mad if Yuuki is not back home. At first she was scared... then curious, but after wandering around for an hour and being unable to locate her parents, she's crying quietly behind a tree.]

[OOC: 4 year old Yuuki! She doesn't know how to spell anything beyond her name or how to read so FYI to any who would try to respond in writing.]

Apr. 14th, 2014


Action/video || Open to everyone

[There's a short video recording from inside Merlin's and Arthur's room - which is currently a complete mess, clothes thrown everywhere, rests of food over the bed, a lamp knocked down, etc. And if you look over to the window (or happened to be passing by it from outside the building), you'll see a little boy climbing over it, trying to sneak out.

Which is proving difficult to do while still holding onto a half-eaten cupcake. The struggle is real.]

Come on, I'm almost...

Mar. 26th, 2014


004 ♔ Action/Video

[Anyone glancing at their journal or perhaps walking around the park will see a young man wandering around, looking quite frustrated but also incredibly distressed, expression grim as he walks, his sword drawn. ... His father will be so angry with him if he's actually managed to be kidnapped. He should have been more on guard, clearly...]

[His expression will darken considerably when he catches sight of you, however, and he'll march his way right up to you, brandishing his sword and frowning forever]

I don't know what you're playing at, bringing me here, but you will return me to Camelot and to my father's side or suffer the consequences.

[ooc: Arthur has been deaged, and all replies will come from a separate account, etc etc.]

Feb. 28th, 2014


action only; mostly the main island. another bitty!

[hear that?

maybe you were just imagining it.

...nah. that's definitely the sound of a kid crying. kinda hard, too.

there's a mousey little boy, eight at the absolute oldest, who seems to be the source of it. he's trying to be hidden, to be unobtrusive and not call attention to himself; hiding in doorways and alleys, behind bushes. it's hard to stay hidden when he's not doing a very good job of muffling his crying.

if he's not crying and hiding, then he's crying and wandering around, overwhelmed and lost. it's less active crying now and more the kind a child does when they've been crying for so long that their body doesn't seem to know how to stop, and continues taking shuddering, sob-like breaths while their noses still run.

either way, he's desperately clutching a plain straw doll, obviously his only comfort. he's kinda dirty, too, once you look properly. not from lack of bathing, but more from a lot of falling and being thrown around in the dirt.

what the hell happened to this kid?]

Jan. 22nd, 2014


⚡ 003

[Reading and writing are not yet skills the little four-year-old Utsusemimaru has developed, so instead of using his journal as it was designed, he's simply hugging it to his chest while he wanders around in search of a friendly face. His mama and papa always told him not to waste paper.

As soon as he sees someone, he shyly approaches, and asks his question in a timid, polite voice.]

Where is the lord of this land? I wanna swear feel-chie.


Action || Open to anyone

[[Previous threads/further tagging with Bae from this entry should be continuated here]]

Jan. 21st, 2014


Individual Event

[Small replay of the de-age event!]

Jan. 8th, 2014


Audio/Video || Open to everyone

[There’s not much at first, just some audio of grunting and mumbling from an unfamiliar someone who is clearly Not Amused. Soon the voice becomes clearer, as this person recites a long, complicated spell that should sound foreign to pretty much everyone except those familiar with this kind of magic.

After that, a video clicks in, showing this person stumbling across the Garden Island, arms full of freshly-picked flowers. An old lady who is moving awkwardly to pick up the journal from the floor (how did it even follow “her” there?), and looking terrified and completely lost for a moment before she pulls herself together, smiling pleasantly and waving lightly at it as it records]

Why, hello, dearies. [???] Nothing to see here. [Help.]

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