August 2017




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Sep. 11th, 2016


Journal/Action | Open

[Alice's penmanship is neat and ordered - clearly her very best handwriting.]

Dear all,

As it seems I shall be staying here for some time I have made a request of the Rabbits (who do appear to be the ones in charge here) for the arrival of my cat, Dinah. She's ever such a lovely thing, and I find myself getting quite lonely in that large hotel all by myself! Of course I'm not quite as lonely, due to the lovely friends I've made, but it would be nice to have something from home with me.

The Rabbits have told me that to receive my Dinah I am to help three people here with any matter of their choosing. I shall be outside of the hotel should anyone require me!

With sincerest thanks,

[Alice is to be found sitting outside the hotel on a bench, swinging her feet. Over her dress she has on a fresh apron, and she also wears a pair of white gloves and very sensible brown boots. She looks around eagerly at any and all passersby, her journal open in her lap as she awaits a reply.]

Sep. 4th, 2016


010 ❄ Video/Action | open to all

[A few days after Porthos' birthday party and things are... a little sticky and messy. It's what happens after a party, after all. And don't worry, Porthos has certainly been enlisted to clean up his share of the mess. Mostly because he was Scolded by Snow.

But it seems that there's a clean-up happening throughout Miracle Country today. Or at least, encouragement. Whistle while you work, everyone? Maybe not. But there are birds chirping everywhere and swooping along where the fruit or spilled drinks are. Easy enough to dismiss - birds like fruit, right? And certainly the rodents and woodland creatures are scavenging, not actively cleaning up or anything like that.

Okay, no. The animals are definitely helping to clean. That's... interesting.

What could be the cause of all this? Well, there's a brief video actually showing Snow sweeping the front pathway leading to the new Town Hall Meeting Area, humming to herself. There are a few birds on the awning and the windowsill and they're chirping along with her. She starts singing and the birds start chirping louder, definitely singing along with her. Never forget that you actually know a literal Disney princess, everyone.]

[Feel free to use this as a mingle as you see fit! Or, if you'd like to help Snow clean up some of the mess, you can find her here.]

Aug. 2nd, 2016


open action, video | garden island

[It’s bright and early in the morning today at the garden island, where a recording from the journal resting shows Yona and Lili clearly up to shenanigans. Yona’s clothes are folded up and tied off appropriately for the work in front of them, the plot of land some might remember from her gardening efforts. Several of the crops she planted months back have become ready to harvest now in the summer months, an exciting time for her seeing the literal fruits of her labor. It’s certainly not the most professionally grown crop of vegetables, but a formidable effort all the same. Most of all – that means it’s time to prepare crops for the fall season.]

[Yona sets down a basket of the harvested crops aside with an off, and grins at Lili as she wipes her brow.]

Okay! We’re making good progress.

Right now, we can start planting these... [Lettuce, Peas, Radishes and the like.] But - let me know if it feels like too much work.

[Lili’s covered in more dirt than Yona but her basket isn’t nearly as full. And she’s gripping her trowel like a lifeline and staring tentatively at the things they’re meant to be planting]

[Say something nice, she tells herself. So of course she says:] This better all be worth it.

[Ehe... Feel free to come on by and see what the girls are up to. Yona is here and Lili is here!]

May. 7th, 2016


video || action

[If anyone checks the video that's now on the journals, it's pretty plain at first - just some seconds-long recordings of Aramis going through the city, buying some fruits. A bunch of apples, some grapefruits, some peaches. Unremarkable enough.

Except if anyone knows Aramis, as many here do, they'd know how fruits tend to end up being used by him. Sure enough, a while later he'll be heading to the beach, where he keeps his usual practice targets. He's added a few hay dummies this time, as well, and will leave the fruits there in a neat little pile for later use.

A new short video shows him as he finishes loading his pistol, stepping a good distance away from one of the targets he uses, and casually shooting over his shoulder to it, without looking. When he does turn around to see the result, he's grinning at the fresh mark on the target's center.]

Not too bad for a monk. [Heh.]

Feb. 27th, 2016


video || action

[If you don't happen to walk by these two while they hang out near the fountain in the shopping district, Bull sitting down with Dorian draped across his lap as he usually does, maybe you're watching the journal record a video of it. At first it seems they're having a vaguely serious sort of chat. The journal’s started to record about halfway through Bull’s response, and he’s clearly very excited about whatever it is he’s talking about – he’s grinning and petting through Dorian’s hair, looking completely relaxed]
And then there's chatter )

[[... Silliness. Let us know if you want one or the other, or both, in the tags!]]

Jan. 28th, 2016



[ the voice of a young woman, speaking entirely in whatever common tongue kiseki magics onto its denizens, but with a slight accent that softens many of her r's to almost l's, greets you. she sounds nervous--hesitant, even. ]

Excuse me. This is my first time to really use this journal the way it was intended. I apologize for the tardiness, and... uhm... ah...

[ muttering ]

Oh, dear. I'm already messing up...

[ in a louder, clearer voice: ]

If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to know if anyone out there is looking for a part-time assistant or worker! I really don't have a lot of experience--or, uhm, any, really--but I'd like to try! I promise to work really hard, and I don't expect that much pay, either!


I'd just... really like to carry my own weight around here just a little bit more. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

[ and you can't see it, but she's actually bowing to her little book inside her room, out of habit. ]

Jan. 10th, 2016


Filed Complaint #1

[Action around the Main Island]

[Some of you lovely people will have been lucky enough to meet this horrible little nightmare as she made her way through your dreams. But walking through the streets and taking in the sights, she looks fairly innocent. However, she's got a list of things that are irking her that grows longer and longer as she walks.

She starts off at the hotels but makes her way over to the park to take a look at the plants. The large tree catches her attention, reminding her of the pink-haired princess and her weird flowered tree dream.]

So trees like this really exist. [She walks around the entire thing, umbrella blocking the sun and practically covering everything but the edge of Edna's dress and her boots from view. Just as she's walking around, her head snaps up, blue eyes blazing.] Hm? Who's there?

[After the park, she goes to the shopping center and stops in front of all the bakeries. Snacks are important and without Lailah and Dezel, Edna really misses good cake. It's only been a handful of days, but she likes cakes. In fact, there might be a little drool. Don't judge.

After that, she heads over to the school so that she can check it out. She thinks it's strange that she hasn't heard anything about it from the Dorky Duo beforehand, especially with the way they drooled over the schoolhouse in Gidodden. She'll wait until she finds someone who looks like they have two brain cells to rub together and stops them.]

Hey, tell me about this place.

[Later, Voice to Sorey and Mikleo only]

What are you two doing? I have something to talk to you about.

Jan. 9th, 2016


[video; open]

[First things first-- proselytize!! Being handy with social media, gadgets, and a god, he took no time to learn the functions of the journal that had been provided.

And what better way to test how well it works than to broadcast himself advertising his services? He flips the journal open and sets it on the table a ways away from where he intends to stand, angling it just right to properly capture his very best features. And when he thinks he's got it, because, really, every feature is his best feature, he hits the record button and stands a few feet back.


In short order, he appears on the screen clad in a tracksuit, crown emblem etched on the left breast, and what appears to be a ragged hand towel (it's a fluffy-fluff scarf, thanks) tied around his neck. His piercing ice blue eyes stand out despite his homeless appearance, and his black hair is tied back in a short ponytail.]

Good morning, fellow Kisekians! It is I, Yato, God of Fortune, at your service! I'm fast, affordable, and reliable and available 365 days a year, seven days a week, and twenty-four hours a day! And for just five yen I can solve all your problems~!

Need advice on how to be successful in your career, or the right motivation to get started?

Is your love life in the toilet and you want to win over that special someone?

Are you tired of the same old thing day in and day out and need a little excitement in your life?

Kids, are you constantly being bullied and wish to permanently incapacitate those jerks and teach them a lesson?

Big or small, no matter the problem-- from a leaky faucet to structural remodeling of your home, just give Yato a call any time!

[And anyone that seems to be the slightest bit curious, or considering his help, will find a business card float down before them. Somehow. The card has a crown emblem on it and reads:

The company that really delivers!
TEL 090-XXXX-##3X
President & CEO - YATO

(( OOC: responses may be slow at times-- my apologies! ))

Dec. 15th, 2015


i. ( TEXT ) open to all

[ So someone is really super pressed her idiot boyfriend (who is temporarily girlfriend???) broke his (hers??) arm and didn't think proper medical attention was a thing that should logically happen next.

As such, the handwriting that appears on the page of the journal is still neat but definitely has a slant to it that could be described as... aggravated. ]

Could anyone tell me how to proceed when someone's in need of medical attention? Is there a hospital? [ Not that she'll know how they'll get there with that blizzard... ] A doctor or a healer available, somewhere? I need somebody to take a look at (what is likely) a broken arm ASAP, so prompt responses would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

Nov. 19th, 2015


( agent 001 ) ( video )

[ The video feed clicks on to reveal a young man of visibly modern stock - the snapback, polo shirt and hoodie combo sort of give it away. He squints dubiously at the camera. ]

Is this thing on?

[ Apparently he decides that it must be, because he stops trying to poke at the thing and starts talking again. ]

Alright, I dunno if anyone can hear me, but my name's Eggsy... sorry, Gary Unwin. Listen - someone wanna explain what the hell's goin' on? Last I knew is the world was goin' to shit and I just finished putting it all back after Valentine nearly got us all killed. Tried asking where I am but all I've got here is a load of fuckin' rabbits in my face, dunno what they're on about.

[ He pauses for a moment. Considers - he doesn't want to give too much away, but at the same time, he's got to make contact if there are any other Kingsman here. ]

Right, and - in case this makes sense to anyone here. Oxfords, not brogues. ... Yeah, 's about it.

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