August 2017



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May 6th, 2017

[info]flowrite in [info]kiseki_logs

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[Fai is sitting outside under a tree, looking a lot more cheerful than he probably did when he met most of the people watching this video. He's got part of his family back, and though he misses the rest of that family dearly, Syaoran alone is enough to lift Fai's spirits dramatically. Having any version of Sakura around helps too!

He's also looking a little more pale and drawn than usual, but he can smile right over that. Nothing to see here!]

Mm, I hope this is working right! Syaoran-kun told me how to use this... [he leans a little closer] ...the magic seems simple enough....

Anyway! For those of you I haven't met yet, I'm Fai. And since it seems as though there's no way out of this place... I guess I'm going to need something to do with my time! I know there's already a bakery and a cafe, and I haven't met anyone yet that needs to learn about magic, so I'm running out of ideas. Does anyone need help with anything? [he stifles a yawn with the back of one hand and rests his chin in the other, looking quite a bit like a lazy cat] Preferably something without heavy lifting~

[...right, there's... that other thing, too.]

Also, just a thought: does anyone here know anything about vampires?

((feel free to threadjack or do your own thing, as one does))