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July 20th, 2016

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]kiseki_logs

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[It's Friendship Day in some select, great countries!!!, or so Miracle Country seems to be showing everyone. Places like the amusement park or the zoo have discounts if you bring along a friend, many shops in the city have similar sales, and the Usyagi might try and pester you into taking a friend along on a boat or balloon ride.

But of course, what better way to make a new friend on such a day than by bonding over something that is entirely none of one's business?

All of today, people might notice words floating around them, like strange holograms, spelling out certain questions. How to ask a certain someone out? What to pick for breakfast today? Should they get that cute hat that's on sale even if they never wear hats? How do they get over that overwhelming fear of water? The questions vary in content depending on what the person might need advice on, and can range from the silliest little detail to much heavier, troubling issues.

Once a question gets a decent solution for it, it'll disappear... but another might take its place after a while. Fear not, they'll all disappear by the end of the day. And you're allowed to ignore them, as much as one can ignore strange floating words around others. Perhaps the available entertainment can help with that?]
