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December 3rd, 2015

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]kiseki_logs

friday evening & night || action

[During Friday, there'll be an easy way to relax after the week. Miracle Country's taking advantage of the last few days before the winter, and so the Usyagi will be flying around, handing out little cards encouraging people to take a boat ride. Even if they don't get one, it'll be clear they're set up specially for the evening, all of them looking new as ever and decorated with small lights around them, ready to take those who feel like accepting the offer over to the beach. The ride will be slow and let them enjoy the peaceful trip over to the beach (or the company of anyone riding with them). Maybe you found yourself on one of the boats with someone you didn't mean to take the trip with? Well, it's either enduring the ride, or jumping into the cold river. The choice is up to you.

Once there, they'll find the beach is also set up to receive them. Lanterns light up the way around seats under parasols, some fancier and set up with tables and plenty of food to be shared, some cozier and meant to be used by fewer people. There'll even be a few bonfires you can gather around, if you'd like.

Late at night, the lights from lanterns or fires will seem to dim, allowing the starry sky to be seen more brightly. It might look a little strange, however. Is that constellation meant to be a pig? Perhaps that one's a rabbit, then. Some might make even less sense. At least it's still pretty to look at, right?]