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October 31st, 2015

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]kiseki_logs

everywhere || action || open

[The tremors from the earthquake may be over but things are shakier than ever in the days that pass since the ball. Exposed vampires and their motives have been brought into question. Humans have been turned and fed from in the bloody mess of it all, and even the balance of the kingdom is at stake now. Hunters gather to decide how to handle the situation, while vampires with the most to lose from the leaked secrets must be frantic to keep anyone looking to flee Samara from escaping. No one can simply leave, not now.

But the fact is that neither side can hold out for long either. What will those caught in between do? There's plenty of injured (and vampires crazed by all that blood, even more likely to lose it and attack) and visitors that had nothing to do with the conflict and now dragged into it beyond anything they could have imagined. The rumors are running wild among those recovering and there's the feeling that they all have only moments before hunters and vampires are facing off against one another. Samara may well be on its way to becoming the location of sparking a full out war.]

[Beyond any skirmishes that break out, they won't get to decide -- A powerful wind of black flower petals sweeps through the world in a blur and with that everyone returns! To themselves and their own memories and the familiar landscape of Miracle Country. Typical cutesy Halloween decorations hang everywhere in sight, most so at the park where they'll all return to, greeted by food and drinks and candy alike, and costumes of all kinds courtesy of the same magic. Hope you enjoyed the drama... and Happy Halloween.]