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November 12th, 2014

[info]insibbegerest in [info]kiseki_logs

008 ♔ Accidental Video/Action

[So today, it's a bit chilly outside, so maybe you don't feel like going outside too much -- thinking of maybe just hanging out in the underground tunnels beneath the hotel -- there's the cafeteria, and a few common rooms with televisions and couches and fluffy places to relax.]

[In one of these places, you might find Arthur and Merlin, who were attempting to spend a peaceful afternoon but have now, as usual, descended into Arthur's frustrated grumbles/shoutings. Merlin's all cuddled up on one of the couches, noming on some popcorn and curled up in a big blanket and Arthur is kneeling down in front of the DVD player and television]

[Arthur, for his part, looks grumpy -- this is his attempt to help Merlin relax a bit, since the deal with all those loses before ended up shaking him up a lot more than might be immediately noticeable. But this blasted modernity!!]

I don't understand! I made it work before! Emma showed me.

[The video doesn't really demonstrate it easily, but anyone super observant will be able to see that Arthur is putting the DVD in upside down in the machine, although he doesn't realize this]

It goes in, see! It should work now. [Stares at the screen, which stays frustratingly blank.] I press this button, and...

[Nope, blank screen. On the couch, Merlin says I could just--]

Shut up, Merlin, I can figure this out. The movie's 79 minutes, so I just... [he presses 7 and then 9 on the remote and then suddenly the screen goes fuzzy] [asdlghasld;] What happened?!

[Merlin sighs behind him and says yes, Sire all the while grinning obnoxiously, in his "you are dumb and cute" kind of way and keeps eating some popcorn, watching as Arthur continues to struggle and adds, I believe in you, Sire.]

... Shut up, Merlin. [Arthur blushes a it as Merlin continues to smile oh so innocently and wiggle his toes a bit under the blanket]

[Maybe you'll have more luck than these two, though. Feel free to hang out with everyone, have some fun or just relax... or put these two out of their misery.]

[ooc: Post is open for mingling! If you'd like for Arthur or Merlin (or both) to respond to your comments, just note in the subject line or as an ooc note in your comment!]

[info]bridgebetween in [info]kiseki_logs

002 ☯ Written

Filtered to Asami; unhackable )

[She's concentrated enough to make this next part completely anonymous: there's no pictures, no way to identify her through the writing. It's all filtered away.]

What do you do if you're seeing things that aren't actually there? If you can't sleep, if you keep getting nightmares, if you keep remembering all the stupid things from the past? [The island she's camping out on isn't helping that, but she doesn't know that.]

Is there a magical solution?

[Bending isn't doing any good, nothing at home was doing any good, going to the Tree of Time did nothing. She knows she has to figure it out on her own, but, maybe there's a solution that she can find here...?]

How do you know you're not just going crazy?

[All replies, except to Asami, will be filtered like the entry - there won't be a way to identify it as Korra unless she identifies herself personally (castmates past her canonpoint can feel free to guess it's her, if they have the ability to do so)]