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October 20th, 2014

[info]rockandrollout in [info]kiseki_logs

[Accidental Video | Open to action]

[Is that on your journals Miko all gagged and tied to a tree? Yes, that's Miko all gagged and tied to a tree.

Now, the question is why. Simple: after finding out what King had been doing, she found a way to sneak past her army of guardians and uncles and go yell at him. Or challenge him to a duel. Or both.

The point is that this is how it all ended. She isn't hurt, in case you're wondering, but for her to tell you all of that, she needs to be freed.

Help, Kiseki?]

[info]tuxedo in [info]kiseki_logs

i. video → open

Excuse me.

[ he debated transforming before doing this, but ultimately decided on addressing the network as mamoru and not tuxedo kamen. ]

My name is Chiba Mamoru, and I've recently arrived here from Earth in the 20th Century. Japan, to be exact. [ time and location were important when you knew traveling through time was possible. and as earth's guardian, he knew for a fact that this wasn't his planet. he couldn't feel the earth, and that was beyond unsettling. ] If someone could tell me more about this place — where it is, whether it's possible to leave — it would be greatly appreciated.

[ he wanted to ask who was here with him... it was someone he knew, someone he's close to. there's something about the way the wind rushed by him that seemed to say: you're not alone. he didn't know that his daughter was already here, just that this was a situation he wouldn't have to endure alone. ]

In the meantime, I suppose I should look for a place to stay; a hotel, perhaps? I don't have any way to pay for boarding, but am willing to work for it.

[info]alwaysfind in [info]kiseki_logs

006 ❄ Video

[Someone is looking incredibly disappointed in all of you, Kiseki. Beware, you have unleashed the Disappointed Parent look.]

I cannot believe that I have to say this, and yet here I am. Under no circumstances is it acceptable to tie a girl to a tree, especially when there are monsters running around. Especially when she's a minor. Especially when it's an adult doing so. Nor is it alright to hold someone down while someone else punches them. Nor is it alright to outright punch someone. None of this is alright. We're all civilized people here.

I expect so much more from all of you. [And the more she talks, the louder her voice is becoming - where she's usually calm and patient, it's clear she's rattled and on the edge of yelling]

I do not have time to hunt everyone down and have them behave, but I'd like to think that, while we're all visitors in this world, we can maintain some decorum of diplomacy and good will.

[And here she just looks frazzled since bb!Neal, whom she's cradling as she scolds, starts to fuss -- sensing his mother's distress] I am breastfeeding and I haven't gotten a decent night's sleep in months and I don't think it's so much to ask that everyone treat everyone else with patience and respect.

[...] [She looks like she's going to shut off the video, but then she turns and records the very destroyed huge cake provided by the world]

And just who shot this cake? [behold her fiery vengeance on the cake's behalf; someone may or may not have lost her patience due to the event, which is only making her frustration worse]