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October 3rd, 2014

[info]alwaysfind in [info]kiseki_logs

005 ❄ Video/Action | open to all

[The video starts out with the above image, of a few jack-o-lanterns set up on Snow's teachers desk, and a moment later there's a small, almost self-conscious laugh as she holds up the journal to get a better view.]

I thought it'd be a nice thing for everyone to do today. [Arts and crafts is getting hands-on today, kids.] If you want to carve a pumpkin, come on down to the playground at the school today. We have picnic tables set up for carving, and you can make pumpkins like these here.

Everyone's welcome to join in... I have lots of pumpkins, and with Halloween so near, it'd be great to get into the spirit of it all.

[Anyone passing by the school today, or having seen the video, is free to join in on the pumpkin-carving. Snow's got a big collection of pumpkins of all shapes and sizes, and will be handling the actual knives part for the younger kids -- and strictly supervising the older ones (and, lbr, the adults too)

And she's set up some other Halloween activities, such as making ghosts, and of course there are some some treats and goodies for anyone who doesn't want to put in too much effort]

[ooc: this is open for basic mingling, too, should you so desire!]

[info]trollbird in [info]kiseki_logs

[Video || Open to everyone]

[Since Torin has been around Kiseki for a few months by now, he's used to normal humans seeing him, which means he finds it perfectly natural to make a public video. For those of you who haven't seen him yet... yes, that's a humanoid blue bird in your screen.]

It has come to my attention that I might be in need of a hobby. [Because that's the kind of things he needs to be told.]

After some consideration, I realized I could choose to do something useful as well as enjoyable. So I am offering my skills as a sword fighting instructor. I can teach the basics for those who are just starting, or more specific techniques for those with some experience. Simply let me know if you are interested.