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May 1st, 2014

[info]mindmywound in [info]kiseki_logs

004 ⚜ Video/Action | Open to Everyone

[Anyone going to school today will notice that their classmate is looking very dashing~*~

He's dressed up, all fancy and composed, aka: he didn't dress himself. Today the shirt is frillier than usual, passing by him he smells like some kind of flowery perfume or something of the sort, and he's wearing a fancy red bandana instead of his usual black one - when he's not wearing his hat, which he would be should you run into him doing his homework outside in the schoolyard, as he usually does during lunch break.]

[So he's looking very fancy and sparkly and ~*~ but is also a little :T at times, and although not blushing, does seem vaguely embarrassed - whether in the classroom and knowing that Aramis is hanging around outside POSITIVE that he's going to get positive feedback. Or when he's out having lunch with him. Especially since Aramis is beaming with pride and looking entirely too pleased with himself.]

[Beyond just Porthos shenanigans, though, the school's been a little odd today. The most telling thing being that arts & crafts is now being taught by the strange video screen, now that Snow White's gone home. And her puppy for a husband is standing at the window, staring off sadly as it rains on only him.

Maybe today's the day you finally decide to join the school? There's always a need for students - and now there's clearly a need for teachers, as well, since so many of the classes are taught from the video screens rather than an actual person.

Or, maybe you're just enjoying the nice day - it's sunny and more springlike by the day, and maybe you and your classmates are feeling a little bored with the video-talkers.]