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April 16th, 2014

[info]raimeibrave in [info]kiseki_logs

⚡ 006

[It's the middle of the night, and Ucchii is a man on a mission. He's carrying a huge platter of inarizushi and trying to look as stealthy as possible, which is difficult when carrying a huge platter of inarizushi. He creeps down the hallway to Doumeki's door and knocks hurriedly, hoping he won't be spotted.]

[ooc: Open to anyone who could be found in Doumeki's place. Others can approach him in the hallway but he won't move from his spot until he has found Doumeki. Currently hiding from Daigo.]

[info]mindmywound in [info]kiseki_logs

003 ⚜ Video/Action

[Anyone who may stray away from the hotels today might come across this guy who in the mun's typical need for fanservice is currently training, coat discarded to the side and shirt loose on his shoulders as he throws himself mercilessly at a punching bag, clearly in the mindset of training but... looking distracted, all the same.]

[He tugs his shirt off after a moment, wiping at his forehead before tossing it absently towards his coat - and stretches a bit for a moment, and there's a nice display of all the scars across his back, chest, and shoulders before he flexes again and attacks the punching bag anew, grunting a little in concentration even when it's clear that his mind is elsewhere and he is, in his typical fashion, overthinking even as he attempts for impulse.]

[This continues on for a bit before he pulls back with a sigh, trying to catch his breath, looking frustrated - but not really at the punching bag so much as what he's thinking about. He bends down absently, pushing aside his shirt and coat and digging around his discarded weapons, retrieving his gun with a thoughtful frown - debating target-practice but knowing it'll only make him think more, not less.]