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February 24th, 2014

[info]mycopilotsatrex in [info]kiseki_logs

Action | Open

[Since he prefers face-to-face communication when he can get it, Daigo places his journal inside the pockets of his jacket, and takes a stroll through Kiseki, looking for known faces.

One very small, very red, very robotic T-Rex trails behind him.

There's no missing this pair as they walk through the islands.]

[info]mindmywound in [info]kiseki_logs

001 ⚜ Action / Video

[There’s a brief video as he gets back. Once he gets back into Kiseki, after his short absence, and is officially accosted by welcome center women at the fountain in the shopping district, getting his very own kawaii diary-chan, he’s looking a little self-satisfied, of all things, nodding along with their words.]

Yeah, alright. I get it. [Get the fuck outta here, already.] Write in it, people I know. This isn’t my first time, after all. [He shoos them away, although he does give them a brief once-over before he turns towards the journal, eyebrows lifting]

[And then he grins down at the journal] Told you I’d find a way back, didn’t I?

[Yes, he’s totally taking credit for this, despite having absolutely no idea about this place once he got home. And having had zero to do with showing back up here. But damn if he’s not going to be smug about it.]

[He’s setting out quickly enough to find Aramis after that, having been here for a week before and thus having at least a slight idea where to find him]

[And when he does, the video continues to record as he walks up behind him, pulling his gun free from his belt and pressing it up against the back of Aramis’ neck, grinning playfully]
