Nov. 18th, 2008


Boys Riding in Cars With Boys, FFVII: CC, (Sephiroth/Genesis)

Title: Boys Riding in Cars With Boys

Author: FayrieFox

Rating: M

Warnings: handjob, reckless behavior whilst driving.

Prompt: Nov 15 -- Final Fantasy VII (Crisis Core) - Genesis/Sephiroth - Car Chase - "Must you quote all that now?"

Summary: He wouldn’t shut up, and Sephiroth had to do something.

A/N: Again I am sorry because this was verra late, but at least it got done.

Nov. 17th, 2008


Puppy-chan, Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles (Kuro/Fai)

Title: Puppy-chan

Author: FayrieFox

Rating: T+

Warnings: Foreplay

Prompt: Nov 14th – Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles – Kurogane/Fai – flirting – Oh, you pretty thing

Summary: Whether by accident or design, Fai only knows how to beat around the bush.

A/N: XD I love this prompt.


Nov. 15th, 2008


bargain deal, Jekyll (Claire/Hyde)

Title: bargain deal
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: NC17

Prompt: Jekyll - Claire/Hyde - BDSM - Only Claire Jackman can tame the savage beast that is Billy Hyde. And I'm sure he'd enjoy it. Bring on the whips and chains!
Word count: 1622

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not alone, Lost in Space (Major West/Penny)

Title: not alone
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: R/NC17

Prompt: Lost in Space (movieverse) - Major West/Penny - touch starved - She'll take whatever she can get.
Word count: 627

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unheeded, Blood Ties, (Henry/Vicki

Title: unheeded
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: PG13

Prompt: Blood Ties - Henry/Vicki - Celibacy (e.g., someone's celibacy as a challenge to seduction), sensuality, ice princess - She seemed unatainable. His prize to be conquered.
Word count: 149

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Nov. 14th, 2008


Flowers, Final Fantasy IV (Kain/Rosa)

Title: Flowers
Author: Lassarina Aoibhell (ficjournal: [info]angharad)
Rating: G
Prompt: Kain/Rosa, mixed signals - the way is open
Word Count: 398
Summary: The bouquet is imperfect, but he hopes it conveys his feelings.

Flowers )


One of Those Nights, Final Fantasy IX (Zidane/Freya)

Title: One of Those Nights
Author/Artist: [info]catdevigri
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Innuendo, drinking
Prompt: Freya/Zidane - sex without strings - "I hope you don't expect me to swoon into your arms like a lovesick peasant girl."
Word count: 719
Summary: Zidane and Freya meet in a bar and decide to have some fun.
She was as bitter as ever, but it had been a long time. )


He Who Perseveres. (D.Gray-man, Lavi/Allen.)

Title: He Who Perseveres.
Author/Artist: [info]allira_dream
Rating: G.
Warnings: Some spoilers for recent chapters.
Prompt: D. Gray-man - Lavi/Allen - camaraderie - I get knocked down / but I get up again
Word count: 470.
Summary: It's been way too long since the last time Allen played poker for fun.
Notes: In cards, the five of spades means: “Change of opinion. Victory achieved at a cost.” and the four of hearts means: “Love and support brings security.”

He Who Perseveres. )


Not in Our Stars, But in Ourselves (Kyou Kara Maou, Shinou/Daikenja)

Title: Not in Our Stars, But in Ourselves.
Author/Artist: [info]allira_dream
Rating: PG.
Warnings: Deathfic.
Prompt: Kyou Kara Maou - Original King/Great Sage - loyalty - as you wish.
Word count: 1100.
Summary: Daikenja would obey his lord despite it all.

Not in Our Stars, But in Ourselves. )

December 2008




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