keming; when you've got improper kerning.'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
keming; when you've got improper kerning.

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simply muted [20 Sep 2009|12:59pm]
Layout Style: S1 - Generator
Best View: 600 px
Browser(s) Compatibility: Firefox and Safari
Custom Colors: None.
Credit: [info]kerning in your userinfo or the layout.
No default Icon;

click for bigger

rules and code under here )
14 comments|post comment

clean header [20 Sep 2009|10:04pm]
Layout Style: S1 - Clean and Simple
Best View: A least 700 px
Browser(s) Compatibility: Firefox, Safari, IE, Opera and Chrome
Custom Colors: None.
Credit: [info]kerning in your userinfo or the layout.
default icon + hard coded in the friends page.
Base code from here

click for bigger

rules and code under here )

Other uses of this layout: one two three
53 comments|post comment

[ viewing | September 20th, 2009 ]
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