keming; when you've got improper kerning.'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
keming; when you've got improper kerning.

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Second... [04 Jul 2009|09:30pm]
QUESTIONS and comments?

Post them here.

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Directory [04 Jul 2009|09:31pm]
Always under construction!
Clean and Simple, Default, Disjointed, Generator, Magazine, Notepad, Punquin, Refried Paper, Tabular, Webley Boxes, Tutorials, S2 Layouts.

Text Directory )
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plain and customizable! now with header! [04 Jul 2009|10:15pm]
Layout Style: S1 - Generator
Best View: 600px
Browser(s) Compatiblity: (mac) Firefox 3.5 / Safari 4.0 - it looks a little wonky in IE 5.2, but works just the same.
Custom Colors: None - all are included.
Credit: [info]kerning in your userinfo or the layout.

I like this layout because you can edit it and change it to have several different backgrounds and colors to fit your character or mood.

click for bigger version

rules and code under here )

Other uses of this layout: one two
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[ viewing | July 4th, 2009 ]
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