The Kamikaze Remix Challenge's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in The Kamikaze Remix Challenge's InsaneJournal:

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    Tuesday, September 9th, 2008
    2:22 pm
    It's a tag-quake!
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]girlguidejones)

    Hey all.  I hope by now everyone's enjoying the reveal, and hopefully some nice feedback as well.  I've already seen some of the stories being recced at various places, so PT and I both hope your readership gives you the appropriate squee!

    I am close to beginning the archiving and master post projects (which I am doing because PT shouldered the OMG why-can't-I-post crisis and the OMG why-can't-I-tag crisis pretty much single-handedly while I was traveling and doing cool things like going in to work on my days off.)  Anyhoo, I've edited the tags and deleted some.  I'd like to ask everyone to check your tags, and if your previous tag was deleted, choose the appropriate one from the list to replace it. 

    We should have a tag for every need.  Some examples of what I did include replacing:

    sam/jess with pairing: sam/jess
    NC17 with rating: NC-17


    In some cases, these aren't necessarily the examples I gave in the original tag-your-stuff post, and for those of you who followed the examples I gave I am really sorry to ask you to re-tag!  :(  But when I made the edits, I edited in favor of the format most people had already used for simplicity's sake.  When you're looking for your tag, please note that the format "wraps" the tags in the column, so that "remix author: poisontaster" could look like:

    author: poisontaster the tag column.  I'm mostly pretty fairly confident that all the tags you'd need are there.  That said, if you can't find it, please contact me via replies to this post and I'll fix it. 

    I apologize again because it's clear that I WASN'T clear enough on the tag instructions.  Heh.   (I am definitely learning a lot on this, my first LJ challenge!)  I would really appreciate your help.
    Saturday, September 6th, 2008
    9:21 pm
    Reveal Reminder!
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]girlguidejones)

    Hey everyone!

    Reveal is a little less than three hours away, EST.  (And if you're not EST, we invite you to pretend you are for today, at least!)

    In order to claim your story, simply log in one last time as your sock, and change the author name to your own name.  In the tags section, again change the sockpuppet author name to your own name.  Finally, I know we didn't ask you to do this the first time, but as the Head Archiving Lackey, I'd really appreciate it if you can add a rating tag, and a pairing tag.  If there is no pairing, please use "gen" as the tag.  Please don't use any other tags such as AU or RPS or anything. 

    So, again, on your To Do list:

    1.  Change sock author name in header to your name.
    2.  Change sock author tag to your name.  For example, mine would be "remix author: girlguidejones".  (Single space between the colon and the author name, please.)
    3.  Add a rating tag.  (G, PG, PG13, R, NC17, Adult)
    4.  Add a pairing tag.   (Sam/Dean, Ellen/Bobby, Jo/OMC, etc. Please use a Gen tag if there is no pairing)
    5.  Re-post wherever you'd like and bask in your well-deserved squee!
    6.  Finally, if you could please correct your previous tag if it isn't formatted correctly, it would be a lot less work for me.  Correct examples are:  "remix author: girlguidejones" and "original author: girlguidejones"  (Again, single space after colon, please.)
    I can't wait to see the reactions as you discover who's written your stories.  It's always the best part!

    I'll be compiling a master post of all the stories, as well as adding the stories to the memories function here at the comm, but it may take me a few days; please be patient.

    On behalf of [info]poisontaster and myself, thank you all so much for participating.  Not everyone would sign up under the parameters we gave you, so pat yourselves -and each other- on the back for braving the wild unknown!  The response to this first-time challenge has been beyond our wildest dreams, and we've had a blast doing it.

    ~GGj & PT
    Monday, September 1st, 2008
    3:47 pm
    Hello Remixers!
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]girlguidejones)

    First, I need to thank my amazing co-mod for shouldering a big bulk of the responsibility in the last couple of weeks while my schedule became ever more complicated.  I'm sure you'll all agree, but for the record, [info]poisontaster is awesome!

    I wanted to congratulate and thank you all for your hard work and excitement and wonderful stories.  I plan to just relax and immerse myself in excellent storytelling for the remainder of today!  *woot*

    While I know that PT has already mentioned it, I also wanted to leave a note about feedback, especially directed to our many first-time remix challenge participants.  One of the hard facts about a remix story is that they traditionally receive less feedback than a typical fic you might post on your journal.  Please, please feedback your author, and if you're so inclined, a post on your own LJ pointing your friends toward the remix would not go astray. 

    Given that your friends are already reading what you're writing, you've got a built-in audience for your remixer right there...people who've already shown interest in your story would probably also be interested in another version of it from different author.  Personally, I submitted a wee!cest story, and I know I set my remixer up with a topic that a lot of people might not read.  She did a great job, and I want her to get the feedback she deserves, so I've already pimped her, and will do so again after the reveal.  *If* you feel a story -either  the remix of your story or someone else's- is worthy of reccing, by all means do so, whether on your own LJ or at a rec comm.  I think people can tend to wait for the reveal to rec, and while there's nothing wrong with that, sometimes the window of reccing "passion" closes and it just doesn't happen.  You can always rec a story with the sockpuppet author now and edit the revealed author in later. 

    Finally, once the reveal happens a week from now, please have no shame in the self-pimp department.  Post your fic on your LJ and to any applicable comms.

    After the reveal happens, PT and I will be hosting a "remix rehash" sort of post where those interested can talk about the joys and tears of your remixing experience.

    For now...go forth and wallow in your fellow remixers' talent!  You all did great!


    8:34 am
    It's Alive! Alive!
    Hello, everyone!

    The moment you have waited for is here and THE COMMUNITY IS LIVE! Feel free to read the stories, feedback, pimp in your journals for others to come and read and feedback.

    Just a couple things:

    1. The stories ARE still anonymous. They will remain anonymous until September 7 (US). So please do not reveal which story you wrote.

    2. Less an order than a request, but PLEASE remember to thank the person who wrote a remix from your story. No, it's not a gift, but we all want our story to be liked; be kind in return.

    And then just...have fun! I hope you enjoy what you find here. I think that what I've seen of the stories shows a tremendous amount of work and heart. I feel so proud to have been part of this and I hope you guys are as excited as me and [info]girlguidejones!

    If there are any problems, or if there are any questions remaining at this point, please let us know!

    ETA: Because the stories were posted with sockpuppets, you will NOT be getting emails for any comments posted. If you want to get an email notification when someone comments to the story you remixed, go into the post and click the little thumbtack "track" icon.
    4:04 am
    Call to Arms (The Gunpowder Remix) PG 13 Sam/Dean
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazemary)

    Title: Call to Arms (The Gunpowder Remix)
    Author: [info]girlguidejones
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: PG 13 | 1550 words
    Original Story by [info]merihn is called behind a gun I’ll make my final stand
    Notes: Thanks to [info]poisontaster, who was oh-so-delicate about telling me I needed to scrap a couple thousand words and expand a five-hundred word section to replace them. Hee. But she was right! Author’s notes follow the story.
    Summary: Four long-time companions of Sam and Dean chew the fat about old times and happy endings.

    “Well, I sure as hell didn’t see THAT coming.” )
    12:36 am
    One Day at a Time (Roadhouse Blues Remix) [R, gen]
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazereaper)

    Title: One Day at a Time (Roadhouse Blues Remix)
    Author: [info]anansigirltoo
    Pairing: none - Ellen-centric gen
    Rating: R for language
    Warnings: none
    Spoilers: up to the Season 2 finale.
    Original story: Triplicity
    by [info]scribblesinink
    Notes: Thanks to my lovely beta and also to [info]scribblesinink for letting me play around with your words and ideas.

    Summary: An old friend of John Winchester ruins Ellen's day

    'Hey guys, I think I found something,' said Sam. 'Listen...' )
    Thursday, August 28th, 2008
    9:27 pm
    The Bonaventures Have No Ghosts (The "Back From The Dead" Remix) [NC-17, Sam/Dean]
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazegordon)

    Title: The Bonaventures Have No Ghosts (The "Back From The Dead" Remix)
    Author: [info]mona1347
    Word Count: 4,600
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: m/m incest
    Spoilers: Through season three.
    Original story: The Bonaventures Have No Ghosts by [info]rejeneration
    Summary: Dean deserves this, deserves every single thing he never got. And if Sam can manage to give it to him, he's damn well going to.

    A/N: This fic was coaxed along by three very special people who held my hand and tossed suggestions and ideas at me and kept me from the brink of insanity. You know who you are [info]poisontaster, [info]nilchance and [info]beanside, I thank you. Special thanks to my spectacular beta, the apple of my eye, the whip in my valise - the incomparable [info]poisontaster.

    You know what would be awesome right now, dude? A swimming pool. Not like the motel Petri dish kind but one of those big ones. Like…like the kind you see on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous or some shit. You know? )
    2:32 pm
    Jealousy (The Shoeless Sam Winchester Remix) [NC-17, Sam/Dean]
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazejess)

    Title: Jealousy (The Shoeless Sam Winchester Remix)
    Author: [info]moosesal
    Pairing: Sam/Dean, OMC
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: explicit incest
    Spoilers: none
    Title, Author and URL of the original story: “The Shoe Is On the Other Foot” by [info]sophie_448 (
    Summary: Dean’s jealous. Sam’s oblivious. And then he’s not.
    Note: All dialog is from the original story. Many thanks to my beta for nudging me in all the right places.

    Jealousy (The Shoeless Sam Winchester Remix) )
    Tuesday, August 26th, 2008
    8:20 pm
    For the Love of God (the Beggars, Bargains, & Beginnings Remix) [PG-13 Sam/Dean, God/Lucifer]
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazetricky)

    Title: For the Love of God (The Beggars, Bargains, & Beginnings Remix)
    Author: [info]rei_c
    Pairing: Sam/Dean, God/Lucifer
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Blasphemy
    Spoilers: "All Hell Breaks Loose II"
    Title, Author and URL of the original story: [info]brynwulf's For the Love of God
    Summary: Love's a bitch.

    For the Love of God (The Beggars, Bargains, & Beginnings Remix) )
    5:36 pm
    By the Firelight (Lone Winchester Remix) [PG-13, Sam/Dean UST]
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazeellen)

    Title: By the Firelight (Lone Winchester Remix)
    Author: [info]embroiderama
    Pairing: Sam/Dean UST
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: none
    Spoilers: Pilot
    Title, Author and URL of the original story: In the Light of Day by [info]halfshellvenus
    Notes: Thank you to [info]elanurel for the lovely beta.
    Summary: A hunt finds Sam during his time at Stanford.

    Regular people, sane people who didn’t go looking for monsters, almost never brushed up against the things that went bump in the night. )
    12:54 pm
    If I Couldn't Sleep Could You (A "Til I Feel All Your Pieces" Remix) [R, Sam/Dean]
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazeimpala)

    Title: If I Couldn’t Sleep Could You (Til I Feel All Your Pieces remix)
    Author: [info]gretazreta
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: R
    Spoilers: This takes place early season 2
    A Remix of this Original Story: Til I Feel All Your Pieces by [info]technosage
    Summary: Shortly after John’s death, Sam and Dean head to Mexico for the Day of the Dead.
    Note: Thank you to the kamikazemods for a hard, good challenge, and to [info]technosage for a really beautiful original story.

    Read more... )
    9:34 am
    The Narrow Passage (Vertiginous Remix) (PG-13, Sam/Jess, implied Sam/Dean)
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazemary)

    Title: The Narrow Passage (Vertiginous Remix)
    Author: [info]poisontaster
    Pairing: Sam/Dean (implied)
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Dark themes, some cussing, implied incest.
    Spoilers: Vague ones for the pilot, "Wendigo", and "Faith"
    Title, Author and URL of the original story: Keep Your Hands Off My Girl by [info]kellifer_fic
    Summary: At the narrow passage there is no brother, and no friend. ~Arabic proverb

    Author's Notes: I owe a lot of people thanks. They know who they are, but foremost among them is [info]kellifer_fic herself for writing such a compelling story. I truly hope I've done it the least bit of justice.

    Do you remember? )
    1:50 am
    Patience Be a Tired Mare (the Plodding On remix) [PG, Gen]
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazebsinger)

    Title: Patience Be a Tired Mare (the Plodding On remix)
    Author: [info]meredevachon
    Rating: PG
    Title, Author and URL of the original story: Twelve Strong Horses & What a Pretty Foal by [info]subterrain
    Summary: AU: John died, and Mary lived to raise her boys. Bill and Ellen Harvelle invited her in when she had nowhere to go, and now their kids all run wild through scrub brush and dustbowl cattle land.

    Though patience be a tired mare, yet she will plod. – Shakespeare, Henry V, act 2, sc. 1 )
    Monday, August 25th, 2008
    11:52 pm
    Wednesday's Child (The Full of Woe Remix) [PG-13, Sam and Dean, Gen]
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazesammy)

    Title: Wednesday's Child (The Full of Woe Remix)
    Author: [info]marciaelena
    Pairing: None
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: None
    Spoilers: For "AHBL" and "Mystery Spot"
    Title, Author and URL of the original story: Heavenly Day by [info]frostian
    Summary: Sam and Dean and fear and love. A "before and after" take on the original story. 5,772 words.
    Disclaimer: This is for fun, not profit--Supernatural belongs to Kripke and the rest of its respective owners. Sam and Dean belong to each other.
    Notes: A lot of this is stream-of-consciousness, internal monologue, so I'm hoping it's not too messy or meandering. The original story seems to be fairly AU, so that's where I went, too. Assume it veers from canon shortly after 2x22, but the events from "Mystery Spot" still take place. Thank you so much to [info]humming_along for beta and encouragement. ♥

    Wednesday's Child (The Full of Woe Remix) )

    11:17 pm
    And Submissions are CLOSED!
    If you want to be technical about it, they closed a couple hours ago, but I did mention I'm on West Coast time, right?

    As mentioned before, the stories will stay closed for 1 week, to allow the pinch hitters time to write and post their stories. The comm will go live September 1 (US--sorry Antipodeans, Brits and others).

    At that time, [info]girlguidejones and I will unlock all the posts for public viewing. At that time, you are free to pimp the comm and invite everyone on your flists to come and read and comment. PLEASE REMEMBER TO KEEP YOUR STORIES ANONYMOUS until the reveal on September 7.

    On September 7 (US), you will be free to log in via your sockpuppet and change the remix author sock puppet name AND TAG to your actual LJ username. At that time, you are also welcome to crosspost, repost in your own journals or archives and pimp your own stories with full credit. And believe me, you deserve it!

    We did have a couple withdrawals and 1 default, but you guys really oushone our WILDEST expectations in participation, in follow through and in enthusiasm. Thank you all so very much, from the bottom of our hearts for making this such a painless and enjoyable experience. Cheers!
    11:02 pm
    Waiting to Fall (the 'Can You hear Me Now?' remix) (R Sam/Dean implied)
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazevictorh)

    Title: Waiting to Fall (Remix of both Voices Over the Phone & its companion piece, Who Can Afford It?)
    Author: [info]digitalwave
    Pairing: Dean/Sam (implied wincest)
    Rating: PG-13, for language
    Warnings: for language, implied Wincest & suggested violence
    Spoilers: Up through AHBL, Part 2
    Title, Author and URL of the original story: [info]delphinapterus – This story is a remix of both of the related stories; Voices Over the Phone (Bobby POV) & Who Can Afford It? (Sam POV)
    Summary: Dean watches, horrified, as it all falls apart around them.
    Notes: Thanks so much to my wonderful beta, [info]mickeym, you truly saved my butt. Thank you to our amazing mods for making this run so smoothly. And, lastly, thank you to [info]delphinapterus for letting me play in your words. I hope you think I did them justice.

    Don't know why my warped brain decided to make remixing someone else's idea just a little bit harder, but it did. All of the first sections of the story are interconnected drabbles.

    Dean sat on the threadbare brocade of their ancient motel bed, methodically cleaning their guns. )
    10:33 pm
    Not Like That (Sundown Remix), Sam/Dean, Hard R
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazeash)

    Title: Not Like That (Sundown Remix)
    Author: [info]elohvee
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: Hard R
    Warnings: Incest, underage sex.
    Original Story: Not Like That by [info]girlguidejones.
    Summary: Sam and Dean have the Talk.

    Dad thinks he saw you with a girl. )
    10:27 pm
    This dark shroud hides a face beneath it (Underside Remix) [Dean/OMCs, NC-17]
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazebsinger)

    Title: This dark shroud hides a face beneath it (the Underside Remix)
    Author: [info]subterrain
    Pairing: Dean/OMC(s)
    Rating: NC17
    Warnings: underage sex, prostitution, underage prostitution, violence, etc.
    Original Story: Halo (In Reverse) by [info]poisontaster
    Notes: Many many thanks to [info]vinylroad for pulling beta duties on this.
    Summary: These are the things Dean does for his family.

    the underside remix )
    9:14 pm
    Buildings and bridges (the rockabye remix)
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazetricky)

    Title: Buildings and bridges (the rockabye remix)
    Author: [info]zooey_glass04
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: PG
    Title, Author and URL of the original story: The other side of the line by [info]gretazreta.
    Notes: Title from the Ani DiFranco song of the same name. Thanks to the usual suspects for betaing.
    The original fic is a wonderful story: it was difficult to do it justice. I hope you enjoy it anyway, [info]gretazreta!
    Summary: The treehouse is a godsend.

    Buildings and bridges (the rockabye remix )

    8:50 pm
    "Turn At Last To Death's Ordinary Door" (For Whom The Bell Tolls Remix) Gen, PG-13
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]kamikazedean)

    Title: Turn At Last To Death's Ordinary Door (For Whom The Bell Tolls Remix)
    Author: [info]halfshellvenus
    Characters: Multiple (Gen)
    Rating: PG-13
    Original story: The Ashen Apple of These Days, by [info]embroiderama.
    Summary (from the original): In the years after Dean's death, everything goes to Hell for Sam and the other hunters.
    Warning: Character deaths.
    Author's Notes: This is a slightly AU story set after the beginning of Season Three (so certain events do not follow canon). I hope I've done the original story justice in this remix. The title, like that of [info]embroiderama's gorgeous and heartbreaking original, is from a poem by Denise Levertov.

    Dean wasn't the kind of guy to run from a battle, and he didn't run from the last one.  )

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