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January 7th, 2008

09:41 pm - Memoirs
Gaw, I remember the summer when Constantine came out on DVD. I'd dragged my aunt to see it with me when it had come out in theaters (as I was not yet 18 and could not see it by myself - stupid ratings system!) and was eagerly anticipating the release, which promised a myriad of extras, not to mention commentaries, which are my favourite extras.

In any case!

My dad took us all to our cottage that summer...which lies in a remote, backwoods, hicksville part of Québec (for those of you who aren't Canadian, look it up on Google or Mapquest. "Renfrew" or "Pembrooke" are the nearest towns) where NOBODY speaks English, and it's an hour to the nearest Coffee Time.

On the day of the release, I forced him (and my younger brother) into our van, made him drive three HOURS into the nearest city with ANY sort of mall (it ended up being a Wal-Mart) and joyfully bought the DVD. The boys spent their time in the Canadian Tire outside of the mall. Their loss. ;)

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September 16th, 2007

03:33 pm - First Post
I'd just like to throw out a post to say welcome to any and all Constantine fans! I made this asylum for two reasons: one, there were no Constantine asylums; and two, I believe that Constantine differs enough from its parent, Hellblazer ([info]hellblazer), to deserve its own community.

The guidelines in the userinfo are just that: guidelines. I'm not going to whip out a banhammer if you don't comply, but I'd appreciate it if you followed them nonetheless. It really does make my day a little brighter.

So come one, come all, yadda yadda. Don't be afraid to post anything. The great thing about the Constantine fandom is that almost anything can be believable within it. So let's see whatcha got.

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