JE's Projects' Journal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in JE's Projects' InsaneJournal:

    Wednesday, August 12th, 2009
    8:40 am
    General Information
    This is the place where I put any and all ideas that I've had - whether I'm still working on it, ignoring it in favour of other things or completely abandoned it.

    There was a point in my life, where I just produced idea after idea and there were so many that I just couldn't work on all of them. Ever since, my writing muse has currently pretty much dried up. There still are ideas, but after the initial onslaught (in one Star Wars ficlet it led to 10 pages even) the most I manage to add is maybe a sentence or two. It's not as if I wouldn't know where to go, it's that I have no idea how to put any of it into words.

    I'll also dump half finished fics and just barely started fics for fandoms that I'm either not currently in, but hope to go back to one day AND those that I don't see myself going back to. After dumping everything here, I'll create a Fandom Masterlist with links and so on and notes about the how active I'm in the fandom currently.

    Current Mood: blah
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