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A James Potter and Scorpius Malfoy fanfiction community, accepting both slash, het and gen stories.
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Sep. 15th, 2007 @ 07:49 pm Fic: 10 Random Facts about Portrait Snape

Title: 10 Random facts about Portrait Snape
Author: Erika
Email: funhapjoy@yahoo.com
Fandom: Harry Potter, post DH
Beta: Sylvie
Summary: This can be viewed as part of the: 20 Random facts about Scorpius Malfoy and 20 Random Facts about James Potter.

Strangely enough this was supposed to have been 20 Random Facts and the other two were supposed to have been 10 Random Facts. As you can see, it didn't work out that way.

I wasn't sure whether I should post it here, it does though belong to the same universe as the two 20 Random Facts pieces mentioned above.

10 Random facts about Portrait Snape
About this Entry
Sep. 10th, 2007 @ 04:50 pm Fic: 20 Random facts about James Potter

Title: 20 Random facts about James Potter
Author: Erika
Email: funhapjoy@yahoo.com
Fandom: Harry Potter, post DH
Beta: Sylvie
Summary: Originally this was supposed to have been 10 Random facts. I had posted the 1st of 4 [info]james_scorpius prompt challenges and I decided that I needed something that gave me a bit more insight into the characters. Somewhere along the way, I got sidetracked and this became 20 Random facts.

Note: Could be read as a stand-alone, or part seen as part two to: 20 Random facts about Scorpius Malfoy

20 Random facts about James Potter )
About this Entry
Sep. 10th, 2007 @ 12:14 pm Fic: 20 Random Facts - Scorpius Malfoy

Title: 20 Random facts about Scorpius Malfoy
Author: Erika
Email: funhapjoy@yahoo.com
Fandom: Harry Potter, post DH
Beta: Sylvie
Summary: Originally this was supposed to have been 10 Random facts. I had posted the 1st of 4 [info]james_scorpius prompt challenges and I decided that I needed something that gave me a bit more insight into the characters. Somewhere along the way, I got sidetracked and this became 20 Random facts.

20 Random facts about Scorpius Malfoy )
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