Sep. 5th, 2007


26 icons and two Friends Only Banners

Well I finally made enough icons for another post. *grins* Some are just bases and others are blanks. They can be modified if you wish. Just tell me. I only do simple text since I don't have that many fonts yet.

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1 Orlando Bloom
2 Viggo Mortensen
3 Vaako
4-11 Sean Bean
12-19 CSI: Miami
20-23 CSI: NY
24-26 NCIS

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18
19 20 21
22 23 24
25 26

Two Friends Only Banners

Danny Messer/Don Flack from CSI: NY

Sep. 4th, 2007


8 icons

enjoy them.

1. Tony Dinozzo and Tim McGee from the Sylum Universe by [info]bjjones
2. Pirates of the Caribbean from World's End
3. Orlando and Denise/Dennis for [info]cynegyth
4. X-Files Mulder and Krycek
5. X-Files Alex and Fox (aka Nick Lea and David Duchovny
6. Karl Urban and Eric Bana
7. Frank Hopkins and Sean Bean's character from The Big Empty
8. Aragorn and Lord Celeborn from Lord of the Rings


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Pirates of the Caribbean and X-Files

Well I fooled around again with photoshop and image ready and made a few more icons. Three of the icons I made from the pics I saved from [info]tularia which were from POTC 3. I also made one from the X-Files with David and Nick Lea. *grins*

1. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 2. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 3. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 4. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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