Irreparable RPG

Some Things Can Never Be Fixed

Irreparable RPG



May 17th, 2011

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Owl to Theodore Nott )

April 30th, 2011

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WHO: Everyone invited/who bought a ticket
WHEN: April 30, 8pm
WHERE: Atrium, Ministry of Magic
WHAT: The Quidditch League annual party!

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April 17th, 2011

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WHO: Theodore and Kherrington
WHAT: After the Wine Tasting
WHEN: Backdated to Saturday around dinner time
WHERE: A Taxi Kherrington's flat

Of course, they spat most of the wine out. )

March 11th, 2011

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WHO: Kherrington and Theodore
WHAT: A horseback riding date
WHEN: Foredated to Saturday
WHERE: At the stable where Theodore rides

Theodore apparated outside Kherrinton's flat Saturday in the late morning. )

March 8th, 2011

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Owl to Theodore Nott )

February 21st, 2011

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WHO: Theo and Kherrington
WHAT: Date Night
WHEN: Monday Night
WHERE: Her flat and then a restaurant

The place he had picked was in Diagon Alley. )

February 16th, 2011

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Owl to Kherrington Bundy )

January 28th, 2011

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who: Daphne and Kherrie
what: girl talk under the influence of Audrey's cheery cookies.
where: Luxe
when Friday, January 28. Afternoon
rating: PG-13, maybe?

cheering up )

January 23rd, 2011

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WHO: Kherrington Bundy, and OPEN
WHEN: Sunday Night
WHERE: Luxe Headquarters


January 7th, 2011


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WHO: Kherrie and Daphne, Angelina and Oliver, and George
WHAT: WWN Hostage Situation

There were already bodies of WWN office workers stashed in a supply closet upstairs. The intruders took their hair and left them dead so they could meet at the rendezvous point without causing suspicion. It was a busy day at the WWN. A late in the week advertising meeting was being held with Luxe, one of the Quidditch shows was having a player from every team to discuss prospects for the coming year, and Friday was the day when they handed out prizes for contests held earlier in the week.

The lobby was moving fast when Corvis and Mulciber walked in. The werewolves; Gamp, Burke, Mullin, Dorado, and Parks entered in their employee disguises. Mulciber dropped his hood and shot red sparks into the sky. The older Death Eater was well known as one of Voldemort's old pals. He had a potion bottle in his hand. "Anyone move and I'll poison us all!" he shouted.

It didn't take long for the people in the office to realize how they were outnumbered. Those hiding as coworkers drew their wands. The potions slowly wore off as they bound innocents. The werewolves lead hostages into the conference room to sit along the walls while Corvis and Mulciber went to hijack the studio.

December 17th, 2010

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Who: Ritchie and Kherrie.
What: Discussions about the last few weeks.
Where: Kherrie's place.
When: Friday evening.
Rating: TBA

He knew how the Slytherin mind worked, and he feared he was asking her for too much too fast. )

December 11th, 2010

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Who: Verity and Oliver, and all of their guests. (If you think that means you, it probably does!)
When: Saturday, December 11th
Where: The church, then the Reception Hall
What: Wedding and Reception!
Note: There's going to be a DE Memory Terror attack in this post, so check it out!

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October 13th, 2010

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Who: Kherrie and Ritchie
When: After his Owl, Midnight
Where: The place where they first met.
What: Wooing.

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Owl to Kherrie Bundy )

October 6th, 2010

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Owl to Kherrie Bundy )

October 3rd, 2010

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owl to Ritchie )

September 29th, 2010

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Who: Kherrington and OTA
When: Wednesday Morning
Where: Outside the Apothecary
What: Quick breakfast before shopping

Kherrie needed supplies... )
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