The IronMan Seven

Can You Make It To The Finish Line?



September 6th, 2007

The Secret Garden (Dickon/Mary & Colin/Mary) [Week 3 - Prompt 6]

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Title: Library and Heath
Author: [info]trio
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 534
Summary: Mary's begun to realize that someday, she might have to choose between Dickon and Colin.

She spends her mornings with Dickon on the heath... )

September 5th, 2007

The Secret Garden (Archibald/Lily) [Week 3 - Prompt 7]

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Title: Courtship
Author: [info]trio
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 271
Summary: Lily reflects on Archibald Craven's courtship.

We shared tea once, sitting at a small white table in my garden. )
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