The IronMan Seven

September 22nd, 2007

September 22nd, 2007

Original: Bijou (Jet, Topaz, etc) [week 5, prompt 2]

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Title: Getting Serious
Author: Laylah
Rating: worksafe
Word Count: 200
Summary: "He seems like a nice guy, and I'm sure he's good for a tumble --"

Getting Serious )

Mario Bros [week 4 - prompt 2]

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Title: The Princess is in another castle
Author: purple_alicorn
Rating: FR13
Warnings: Crack,
Word Count:173
Author's Notes: If I was Mario I would get sick of rescuing Peach… (and yes a watch phone does exist, but there’s not many of them)

“Ring, )

Weiß Kreuz (Weiß) [Week 5 - Prompt 6]

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Title: Good Times
Author: [info]trio
Rating: G
Warnings: humor
Word Count: 427
Summary: Someone's up to something in the Koneko.

'Ken?' the girl at the shop door said )

Prince of Tennis (Gen) [Week 5, Prompt 3]

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Title: Never Mind
Author: [info]lanerose
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~150
Summary: Random bit of conversation between Shinji, Kamio, and Echizen.

Never Mind )

Samurai Champloo (Jin, Fuu, Mugen) [week 5 - prompt 7]

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Title: The Only Way
Author: Cadence
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 300
Summary: "He's leaving town tomorrow, you heard that. Which means we only have tonight. And the only way to get into his mansion tonight is –"

The Only Way )
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