The IronMan Seven

September 13th, 2007

September 13th, 2007

Kingdom Hearts (Xigbar/Demyx) [week 4, prompt 7]

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Title: This Thing They Have
Author: Laylah
Rating: not worksafe for brief m/m, creepiness
Word Count: 200
Summary: That's what he calls it, when he has to call it anything at all.

This Thing They Have )

Final Fantasy XII (Drace, Fran) [week 4 - prompt 4]

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Title: That Much Focus
Author: Cadence
Rating: R
Word Count: 700
Summary: The prisoner in cell 17F has been there for weeks.

That Much Focus )

Weiß Kreuz (Fujimiya Aya) [Week 4 - Prompt 3]

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Title: No Matter
Author: [info]trio
Rating: PG
Warnings: alternate universe
Word Count: 266
Summary: Sibling love can be a crazy thing.

No matter what happened on a mission, the flower shop was always set up on time, the doors opened, and the floor gleaming. )

Ranma 1/2 (Ranma) [week 4 - prompt 5]

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Title: An easier life?
Author: purple_alicorn
Rating: FR14
Warnings: AU, crack ,
Word Count: 350
Author's Notes: Written under the influence being part of the crew for Shout: The Legend of the Wild One, and by the image of Ranma in leather pants in the back of a Rolls Royce. Megumi Hayashibara sang some of the songs for the Ranma Anime.

”Ranma )
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