The IronMan Seven

September 2nd, 2007



September 2nd, 2007

Petshop of Horrors - Evangeline Blue/Jason Gray - [Week 2, Prompt 3]

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Author: Susan/[info]scriptoria
Rating: R
Word Count: 174
Characters: Jason Gray/Evageline Blue
Notes: Ack, I'm sorry this is late - there was An Issue with my computer last night (Well, with my computer and my sister's access to it) so I couldn't get this posted. *sheepish* (Also, I don't believe I got this far without posting anything for PSoH. It was my primary fandom for three years. O_o) Spoilers for Delicious.

Jason had always tried not to touch Eva too often. )

Harsh Realm (Inga Fossa) [week 2 - prompt 7]

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Title: Secrets and Lies
Author: andwhenwespeak
Rating: R
Word Count: 215
Summary: Inga's biggest secret.

cut )

Torchwood (Tosh/Gwen, Jack/Ianto explicit) [week 2 - prompt 2]

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Title: The Aliens made us do it
Rating: FR 21
Warnings: slash, femslash
Word Count: 1340
Author's Notes: I knew that I had to do Torchwood in Smut week. After all, this is one show where “The aliens made us have sex” is canon! (Mwfanwy is the name given by the cast and crew to the pterodactyl.)

”It )

Final Fantasy XII - Balthier/Vaan [Week 2: Prompt 4]

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Author: Susan / [info]scriptoria
Rating: R
Word Count: 193
Characters: Balthier/Vaan

The thing Vaan liked most about sleeping with Balthier - apart from the obvious, of course - was that it didn't change anything. )
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