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February 2008
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Doctor Who/Pern

Doctor Who/Pern

Saving Jade
by Azar

This blending of universes works surprisingly well. The writing itself is excellent, and Martha’s reaction to the fire lizards is wonderful. I grew out of Anne Anne McCaffrey’s novels some years back, but I admit that there’s a teenage girl inside of me who is still in love with the idea of fire lizards.

    They both heard that something at the same moment--a musical, animal, alien cry that pierced her to the bone with its sheer beauty. The Doctor's smile trebled in size, his eyes darting about for the source of that haunting call. "There!" he cried finally in delight, pointing back up toward the cliff.

    Martha's eyes followed and her breath caught. At first, the figure perched on the rock seemed like a golden statue. Then it spread delicate, gleaming wings and cried out again.

    "Oh my God. Is that--?"

    The Doctor grinned, drinking in her awe as though it were nourishment. "Is it what?"

    "A..." Her mind having gone inexplicably blank, she struggled to find the word. "...a dragon?"

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