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Feb. 28th, 2010


The time has come, the walrus said ...

Hey, guys -

Just a note to say we've reached the end of the line. ::cue dramatics::

I'm sure it's just a case of craptastic timing, but the deal is, Ipswich is drifting into the land of inactivity. No one's fault, just life getting to people, or new shinies popping up to catch our attention, or the world eating our internet - all at the same time.

So rather than fight the inevitable (I did that once; it didn't end well), I'm just going to go ahead and drop the ax here.

That said, there is a new shiny that's pending opening if it strikes your fancy at all, please go ahead and put in a hold at [info]echo_point_mods (For those who've already come across it, we did tweak it a little this morning and changed some of the things in the FAQ and the newcomer's guide, but if you're interested "except for this one thing", please comment on the contact post. It might be something we overlooked or would be willing to change).

There is no set opening date for EP yet. A lot of it is going to hinge on how much interest we get (we do have several confirmed holds already, but I want moar) and when my co gets her 'nets back (there is no estimated return for that yet). I hope to have it open for applications no later than mid-March, regardless of my co's net situation. If it devolves into a small group PSL, so be it. But EP has more plot potential because Lizzy can do anything and doesn't need a reason for it. ;)

So, thank you for your time and interest, and I hope to see you over in Echo Point. If you are interested and you intend to use the same character you used here, you're more than welcome to skip the application portion and just let me know you're transferring over. If you are coming over, tell your friends. The more interest we get, the quicker I'll be inclined to open up to apps.

Thanks again guys; it was a great run and I had fun playing with all of you.

Feb. 25th, 2010


Well what have we got here? Only the bamf son of Poseidon! Yes, it's Jen with another character and hopefully my last for a while if I can ignore these muses. Totally open for plottage since he's one confused demigod atm.

Feb. 24th, 2010


Ok so I'm bored and want plot

opinion plottage Meme! ... because I suck at trying to get plottage with charies when I don't know where it could possibly go...

1)pick a character of mine (Either Leah or Jade)

2)pick a character of yours

3)Think of something interesting you think would go down between them (can be as simple as.. 'i think they'd get along' or whatever)

Please don't hesitate to do this as many times as you have interesting plottage ideas with any of your charie! :D

Feb. 23rd, 2010


Another one bites the dust

Sarah, player of Will Vandom, Aaron Densore, and Angela Cortez, unfortunately had to drop due to RL issues. Her characters have been removed from the cast and residence lists.

Fortunately, her characters didn't take any other characters back to Narnia.


Feb. 20th, 2010


Hi everyone! I'm Alex and bring you one Lucius Malfoy. He's from June 98 so just a month or so after the final battle. He was briefly in Azkaban but was released rather quickly and placed under house arrest, restrictions etc.

So yeah. He's rooming in House 3 with Sev, Lily etc.

You can find me on AIM at moonsdreaming or email at


PS> I figure about three hours later might actually be helpful to post this thing :P

Feb. 17th, 2010


Dropped Pups

Just a little heads up for you guys.

First, due to RL circumstances, Caspian's player has dropped the game. Strangely, the other Narnians followed Caspian back to Narnia XD (which is to say ... Susan, Edmund, and Peter were also among the dropped)

Second, due to 'net issues, Mandy is on hiatus. Hopefully only until Friday, but it may be longer than that. So anyone waiting on tags from her, she'll get to them when she gets back. If you don't want to continue the thread, go ahead and fizzle it out so she's aware.

Third, once everyone is (or the majority of people are) back, we'll run the darkness/blackout plot, so we have something to do. I know a lot of people mentioned computer/net/illness/rl issues when they signed in, so once I see activity picking back up, we'll go ahead and move along.

Fourth, if you guys have any plot suggestions, at all, don't hesitate to drop them on the plot post.

Thanks guys!

Feb. 14th, 2010


Hey people!

I've been thinking and both Leah and Jade need to make some friends, but I'm not one to like the whole meet and greet threads a ton, so I was thinking of doing a journal or something and seeing if things can work from there.

Anyone interested in being friendly with either of these girls? even romantic, maybe?


PS- I love plotting, so i'm always on aim! Roanokeexpress21 and I'd really love to get into my charies a bit more :D

Feb. 13th, 2010


Check, please!

Right. Cast list should be edited properly; if one of yours who should be there is missing, please please please let me know ASAP so we can fix it.

I also removed the journals of the people who dropped - if I accidentally removed one of yours, please re-request membership.

Also, if everyone could sign in to a residence, that would be awesome. It doesn't have to be something listed, but we need to know where your character is, ESPECIALLY if they are living with other people who might want to know they have a new housemate.

They can be nomadic. They can be living on the streets. But they have to be somewhere.

Also, activity. The second half of activity checks is ... activity with canons. Some of you who haven't played your canons in months but still signed in with them will be getting an e-mail later to let you know we see what you're not doing there. So, be active. Write a journal entry. Comment on the blizzard or the "missing people" or something - or drop the character.

Thanks :)

Feb. 12th, 2010


Dropped Characters / Removed Players

The following players (and their characters) either failed to sign in or were dropped in sign-ins. We have not edited the cast list yet; I'm in the process of doing that. However, give it a check tomorrow and make sure everyone of yours is still on it :)

Dropped players and their characters )

Dropped canons )

Feb. 8th, 2010


Hey hey hey guys!!

I've got another one! She's a fallen star from the movie Stardust. I made her up, so she's definitely an OC, but her info is here

Plots? Anything?

Feb. 4th, 2010


February Activity Checks


This would be our activity check / interest check post. If you're still interested in playing (but haven't had time due to holidays/rl/school/aliens/whatever), please comment here with your name and your characters. You have one week to do so, but the sooner the better, k?

Anyone who does not comment by next Friday (February 12, 11:59 PM) will be removed from the game. The fact that I "know" you're interested doesn't matter; everyone needs to comment.

Comments are screened, and if you'd like to remain in the game but drop a pup or two, you will be permitted to do so here - simply make it clear which you're dropping and which you're keeping. If you know you're no longer interested and wish to drop the game entirely, please comment here with that sentiment as well.

If you haven't been active due to busy/overwhelming RL/illness/weddings/whatever, simply include a note when you sign in if you plan to be active in the future. I really don't like kicking people out =P

Thanks guys :) I look forward to playing with you in-game.

Signed in and safe )

Excused )


Mod Post, woo!

Because Thursday is maintenance day …

important mod stuff under here )

Jan. 30th, 2010


Omg, New characters

I was going to play them somewhere else, but somewhere else was canceled so I am bringing them here instead.

This is Nenael. He's an angel. Sort of fallen angel but mostly just an evil angel ::pauses to rock out to breaking benjamin:: he has a SWORD and FEATHERS.

i have also brought in Fellriana Withors, another HP OC that's migrated over from a closed game, because i missed playing her. Fell is a standard witch, former Auror turned to Muggle Relations because of her relationship with Harry after his divorce ::brow waggle::

And speaking of Harry, Nate's bringing him in. Just in time to find out his daughter was here and is gone XD

okay. that's it.

Oh, except for the part where it isn't because i'm totally stealthing in mod-info - See, I just finished reading Darkness at the Edge of Town (omg, lame ending was lame) and was INSPIRED because I like to swipe ideas that I find interesting. Anyway, the next plot will involve something like that once I fine tune it. i want to aim for mid-february for this one.

And speaking of february - activity checks are next week. :)

Jan. 28th, 2010


Official hell!plot draft up


I thought I might revisit whim!plot and put the specifics into place.

As always, this is optional. The most you'll be "forced" to deal with is the missing characters. To make an official list of missing persons, please comment here with the character that has gone missing (was sucked into hell) and the date they vanished/will vanish (anywhere from the last point you played them until 9 PM January 29).

Official Sucked Into Hell List Under Here )

Hell is not any specific version of hell because I really don't want to warp this into a battle of religions dealy. So it can be your character's personal hell, the standard fire and brimstone hell, one of the 9 (7?) levels of hell, etc. Any discrepancies can be accounted for by illusion/perception/an aspect of one of the hells, etc.

The characters sucked into hell will not be able to interact with the characters on the surface. Their journals no longer connect (or they don't have their device), etc. They can thread with the other people trapped in hell, and perhaps set up some sort of message system there.

If you have any questions or suggestions, fire away :) If you aren't participating, you don't have to do anything. :)

Jan. 27th, 2010




Indecision struck me (i was in a mood. shh) and I pulled a pup and then thought I hadn't actually lost the -- you know what? An exploration of my mind isn't necessary.

But we have a whim!plot. Which is to say, Halo had an idea and thought about it some and Something She Could Apply to the game was born. It happens. An epic FC plot was born this way.

But I digress.

Baaaaaaaasically, from now until Friday night, you have the chance to get your character stuck in hell. The portal/gate dealy is randomly sucking people down (you know, with so much escaping it's creating a vacuum or something). Chase and Caleb will be closing the gate Friday night/Saturday morning, so your character will be trapped there until the rescue.

When is the rescue? ::brow waggle:: Whenever someone figures out where the missing people are.

Your character will not be unplayable - we can certainly play out the Hell stuff in the main community (properly labeled and tagged!) - but it does give everyone a bit of plot stuff. Like missing friends, roommates, SOs ... no. Wait. Not SOs. Mandy might do evil things and trap ... ... I'mma shut up nao.

This is of course completely optional, but we have gotten a little quiet and I'm just trying to shake things up :)

Jan. 28th, 2010


New Player ALERT!!

Hey everybody!!!!! please don't eat me :(

I'm Kris, and here I am with a charie I've played a few times now, my very own, Leah Clearwater!

I kinda made up more of her history b/c she's around 21/22 and it's a few years after the last book, but I love her :D She's so snarky!

Her info's here

Let me know for plots!!

P.S. Oh yeah! aim is Roanokeexpress21

Jan. 23rd, 2010


Okay it's Kate again, with her last pup for a while.

This is Kelly, from Misfits. She can read people's mind, but I promise not to use that fact to god mod. She only seems to get the odd thought, although she does tend to blurt out what she hears. She seems like a bit of a scary, aggressive person, but deep down she's a sweetheart.

That said - Nathan she is going to greet you with beating, sorry about that.

As always plotting welcome for her, Imogen and Annie Saywer, who I'm going to intro very very soon.


This has to be shared. Because. )

Jan. 19th, 2010


Okay so pretty much as predicted I've brought in someone new already (It's Kate btw, I probably should've said that before, right?) Anyway this is Annie Sawyer, from Being Human, which is wonderful - if you haven't seen it I suggest you remedy that fact asap!

She's a ghost, just in case anywa can pick up on that kind of thing. She's also very, very friendly, but has a dark side as well when needed. Her bio's up in her journal and she's totally open for plotting.

Also if anyone has seen Being Human I would love a Mitchell, George and/or Gilbert. In fact I'd sell my soul for a Gilbert, in case anyone's in need of one.


Can I just call this a pupdate?

So hi, this is Patti again. Remember when I was saying I wouldn't be bringing in anyone other than Spock? Well... I guess I lied. Originally I had intended to bring this pup in instead of Spock but, well, I think he nerve pinched her and that's how he came to be my pup of choice in two communities. Now that the Bones is no longer around though I figured Kirk will need someone to keep an eye on him and try to push the healthy food choices on him. Sooo for that I've brought in Janice Rand who's journal and info can be found at [info]yeoman_rand. Janice's background has been kept as similiar to TOS canon as possible while making her older, changing dates around, and adding a little to make her fit in with the current nu! timeline. I actually can't think of anything else I want or need to say about her at the moment but i'm sure something will come to me after class. She's open for plotting and I'll figure out her living arrangements later.

Previous 20

February 2010



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