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21st Jan, 2010


Bandom_Recs mixtape

Ryan/Brendon: There's a Good Reason These Tables are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet - Panic at the Disco (My favourite Panic song ever, really just shows off the gayness of the band, top hats, oh really?!)

Ryan/Spencer: With a Little Help for My Friends - Sam and Mark (BFF love for Spin and Ry!)

Ryan/Jon: Hakuna Matata - The Lion King

Ryan/William: Hey There Delilah - Plain White T's

Ryan/Pete: Don't Stop Me Now - Queen

Brendon/Jon: A Whole New World - Aladdin (I couldn't not really, could I)

Brendon/Spencer: Genie in a Bottle - Christina Aguilera (IDK, Spin could totally be Brendon's genie!)

Brendon/Pete: I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor - Arctic Monkies

Brendon/Cash: Accidentally In Love - Counting Crows

Brendon/Eric Ronick: Plans and Reveries - Black Gold (Yeah, I know this is the song Brendon comes out and sings with them but it's reminded me of this pairing since before then)

Jon/Tomrad: Valerie - The Zutons

Jon/Spencer: Always Have, Always Will - Ace of Base

Jon/Pete: Kids In America - The Young Knives

Panic GSF: Ridin' Dirty - Chamillionaire (Jon butchered this name so much, that video always reminds me of all four boys having fun together so it has to go with the GSF!)

Pete/Patrick: Figures A and B (Means You and Me) - Hellogoodbye

Pete/Joe: Highway 1 - The Foxboro Hot Tubs

Pete/Mikey: Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol (a sad song for a pairing I always read ending badly, they seem like the pairing always doomed to fail)

Patrick/Gabe: Murder on the Dancefloor - Sophie Ellis-Bextor

Gabe/Travis: P.S. I Love You - The All-American Rejects

Gabe/William: Danger! High Voltage - Electric Six

William/Travis: Naked Peek-A-Boo - The Academy Is.../Gym Class Heroes (Another the actual pairing sings it song, but I'm quite fond)

William/Sisky: Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations

William/Mike Carden: MakeDamnSure - Taking Back Sunday

Frank/Gerard: Brains! - Voltaire (It's Gerard this song just fits with him!)

Gerard/Mikey: Relax (Take It Easy) - Mika (I know waycest squicks some but this is a nice happy song to just say that I like it)

Frank/Bob: Recover - The Automatic

Bob/Spencer: Save the Last Dance for Me - John Barrowman (Tell me you don't want to write Drummer Dancing Porn, I dare you)

Cash/Ian: Teenagers - My Chemical Romance (IDK Cash and Ian The Cab OTP okay I just want them to cover it or something!)

So there y'all go the end of week number 2! don't forget the law: download, enjoy, delete within 24 hours, support the band and buy the song(s)

I've been listening to them all day in a playlist in iTunes so I thought you might like to too! Bandom_Recs Slash Playlist

Enjoy peoples ♥

7th Nov, 2009



Just going to dump off a bunch of manips I've made but not posted here.

7 manips under the cut )

2nd Sep, 2009


Gif Post!

My first forray into .gif making was caused by this video by Zachary Quinto and friends needless to say go watch it first (it's NSFW cause of language and situations)

I need to work on the speed of things cause they look different in different places. & If they look like repeats they're not, honest, just different speeds or slightly different animations.

22 more under the cut, so beware slow Internet connections )

3rd Aug, 2009


Manip Post: Fughat edition.

So ontd_startrek had a fug hat meme in honour of Zachary Quinto's love of his. And this resulted in a couple of manips on my part.

Anton, The Shat and Pinto after the cut )

2nd Jul, 2009


ZQ Mood theme

download 132 here
admin console code .txt is included in the .zip

1. Download .zip above and unzip it (eg with winzip).
2. Upload all the icons to your own host, photobucket is your best bet.
3. Go to the LJ admin console
4. Paste in: moodtheme_create "Zachary Quinto" "moods of ZQ by marauder_bex" and click execute.
5. Open the ZQadminconsolecodes.txt file from the downloaded folder.
6. Do a find/replace for 12345 and replace it with the number the adminconsole gave you. also replace and with the url for your icons that you've upladed (don't change the names or include the mood again or it won't work)
7. Now copy paste all of this into the admin console and click execute.
8. Go to your customize page and set your mood theme as normal.

And sit back and enjoy the pretty.

thanks to crackified (Here)

Comments are love, credit is even better (marauder_bex on lj or [info]inthegutter or [info]marauder__bex)

6th Jun, 2009


Moodtheme post 1 - Shane Valdez (and friends)

download 132 here
admin console code .txt is included in the .zip

1. Download .zip above and unzip it (eg with winzip).
2. Upload all the icons to your own host, photobucket is your best bet.
3. Go to the LJ admin console
4. Paste in: moodtheme_create "ShaneValdez" "moods of Shane Valdez by marauder_bex" and click execute.
5. Open the SVadminconsolecodes.txt file from the downloaded folder.
6. Do a find/replace for 12345 and replace it with the number the adminconsole gave you. also replace and with the url for your icons that you've upladed (don't change the names or include the mood again or it won't work)
7. Now copy paste all of this into the admin console and click execute.
8. Go to your customize page and set your mood theme as normal.

And sit back and enjoy the pretty.

thanks to crackified (Here)

Comments are love, credit is even better ([info]inthegutter or [info]marauder__bex)

15th Feb, 2009


Ryro's ABC's of Music, a mixtape in backwards order.

So here you all go! Very much later than I planned, but here is the entire 49 song playlist of Ryan's "Musical ABC's" recs from We're So Blogging. (This has now been removed so call this an archive :)

I've separated it into 3 "disks" so that they should fit onto cds if you wanted to burn them.
There's also a bonus "disk" with Jon's 4 'S' band songs and a couple others mentioned that didn't quite fit into the main playlist.

Under the cut is a link to the MediaFire folders and individual song links for each song. Eventually I hope to have .zips of each up but my Internet can't handle that right now.
Every song has the album art on and the metadata that I could find.
MediaFire folders have the album art (front and back covers) and a .txt file of the tracks included.

REMEMBER: The law says download, preview, delete in 24 hours. Althgouh once you've downloaded I can't be held responsible for what you do ;)

Special thanks to [info]jenepherre for finding 3 of the songs I had trouble with.

Ryro's ABC's of Music )

Disk 1 )

Disk 2 )

Disk 3 )

B-Sides )

Let me know if there's anything that doesn't work. Enjoy everyone!

14th Feb, 2009


Icon Post 25 - Black Gold [28]

1 2 3

Icons of burn and bliss under the cut )



Icon Post 24 - Ryan and Keltie [50]

P1 P2 P3

Moar Keltie love! )



Icon Post 23 - Keltie Colleen [90]

So um, I made 90 Keltie icons. I wish I had that many pics of Haley.

P1 P2 P3

Kelts!!! )



Icon Post 22 - Shane and Brendon at the Wasted Space Opening [25]

P1 P2 P3

25 Shane and UrieValdez Icons )



Icon Post 21 - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix [39]

P1 P2 P3

39 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Promo Icons )



Pic Spam - [info]i_am_tre's Birthday Panic!Spam


Have some pretty boys! )



Icon Post 20i - Empires [84]

P1 P2 P3

This post: 49 icons of the promo shots by Miriam Fanger & 35 icons of live photos by Matt Wysocki
Post ii: 16 Live photos icons & 27 candid photos icons.

84 Empires icons under the cut )



Icon Post 20b - Empires [43]

P1 P2 P3

Post i: 49 Promo photos icons & 35 live photos icons.

This Post: 16 Live photos icons & 27 Candid photos icons (Tomrad, Sean & Ryan J) under the cut )


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