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[09 Jan 2009|04:47pm]

Love some lines! Check the journal. I'd especially love to play Guillaume Canet, Javier Bardem, and Lee Pace if those men tickle anyone's fantasy.
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[06 Jan 2009|10:47pm]

it's been a while, but I would love some more lines, if you are so inclined! Everything is in the journal ;*
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[06 Jan 2009|03:15am]

I'm back from a small hiatus and a lot of my storylines died due to inactivity on my part (boo =[). But now that I'm back, I'm looking to jump back into writing. I have plenty of lines in my journal, but open to brainstorming with someone if none of my ideas sound appealing.

I mostly thread but I'm not against scening by email or googdocs if that's easier.
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[28 Nov 2008|01:12pm]

members of [info]impostors only!
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