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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'miss+fisher+murder:+phryne+fisher'

Dec. 26th, 2017



I would like to thank my friends who have given me such kind and thoughtful gifts, though woefully limited our funds may be. The importance isn't how much money spent, but the thought that counts. Such as the simply delightful yet confusing bread gloves from my dearest Jianyu. I will cherish them forever. Our friendships have come so far, and look forward to the ones I continue to develop here each day.

And now, for the announcement you have all been eagerly awaiting:

[Mike Scientist]
We have important matters to discuss.



A new book, some new tea, and a ranged (if apparently mostly harmless) weapon? A rather productive Candlenights-esque holiday, if I may say so.

Though I have to confess, I do...not understand the outfit that I received. I believe that they are pajamas or lounging clothes, at the very least, but they have a face. I am not sure that they are to my style but they are cozy.



Anyone think we should go making tentative NYE plans, or do you think we might be somewhere else by then?

Dec. 25th, 2017



So either my brain's fried in the wrong way and this is some unfortunate side effect of a poor decision to trust a man that responds to slick or this is real and things make about as much sense as they did when I started.

Dec. 12th, 2017





Hello people of

I'm Veronica and this seems pretty messed up if you ask me.

Dec. 10th, 2017



For those of us not assisting with the return of the animals and release of the people. I was perhaps wondering if a group of us would want to put together 'care packages' for everyone? Those in the cages surely need something and if the people hunting are out too long they will too. I've noticed we've had numerous requests already and I admit I do hate feeling useless.

Dec. 9th, 2017



There are two dragons, Drogon and Charmander, locked inside my room in Hotel. Would someone be so kind to release them to the park? If nothing else, they'll be able to warm these enclosures. If you're lucky, Drogon might even help you sniff out one of the animals you're seeking to round up.

The nights are getting colder.

Dec. 6th, 2017



Do you like to Dancy Dance? )

Dec. 3rd, 2017



While I know that our time here is unlikely to last and we have no way of knowing what's next, I still find that I'm enjoying it here. I took a long walk north and came across the conservatory gardens which reminded me of Breha's gardens at the palace. Some of the flora and fauna were unfamiliar, but others were oddly similar to what could be enjoyed at the palace my home. One of my wife's favorite places is the gardens back home.

Nov. 30th, 2017



Tahani Al-Jamil

I don't know if you remember me but I'm Phryne Fisher. We haven't had much of an opportunity to properly discuss things here but I feel like we would get on. What I am writing about though is to say I greatly enjoyed the party that you threw before the latest scenario. I was wondering if you would be interested in throwing another one and if so I would be happy to assist. I think something to distract people would be a good idea and a party is always fun.


Nov. 27th, 2017



I wanted to ask everyone something to see if there was any interest. I know during some talks about the constitution there was conversations about setting aside some communal commissary funds. And I was thinking, since it's Christmas and everything, maybe a couple of us could organize a bake sale? With the sales making up that fund?

I don't know what the back-up fund could be used for, I mean, if not an emergency fund or back-up thing, maybe we could use it as a kind of event planning budget? Or, maybe we could use it to give new arrivals something a little extra to help them get settled? I'm open to suggestions, but I mostly just want to eat cookies.

Nov. 21st, 2017



New York is very different from the last time I saw it.

Nov. 20th, 2017



Here is what I think I've learned:
  • I think I like teaching. I might even be sort of good at it. I don't know very much about a lot of things, but neither do small children.
  • I enjoy small children. This is strange because I don't think my sisters liked me when I was small, and to be frank I don't blame them.
  • I don't think I like God very much and I am not sure what it's meant to be for but it makes people make decisions that don't make any sense, when they don't have the money to afford to be senseless.
That's enough for one go, right?



I feel like I need to echo everyone and say that was unusual.

People who were in the Monastery
How is everyone coping?

It seems that we keep being thrown together in scenarios. How are you coping with what happened in this one?

Nov. 19th, 2017



I believe it would help to have a running tally on who has checked in as being present to insure we are all here and accounted for.

Squad 1: Kobik, Maria Hill, Daisy Johnson, Jan, Bucky
Squad 2: Bruce Banner, Sharon Carter, Natalia Romanova, Dick Grayson
Squad 3: Bucky Barnes, Jessica Jones, Natasha
Squad 4: Wanda
Squad 5: Hazel, Clint, Kamala, Lucretia,
Squad 6: Rogue, Kitty Pryde, Chidi, Betsy, Tahani, Raven, Jean, Jason, Magneto
Squad 7: Nathan, Hope, Rogue, Jean Grey, Logan, Emma, Hank
Squad 8: River, Luke Skywalker
Squad 9: Liv, Bail, Mon Mothma
Squad 10: Selina Kyle,
Squad 11: Helena, Kira, Lois, Cosima, Alex, Clark,
Squad 12: Audrey, Sam, Betty, Briggette, Jo, Jughead, Dean and Johanna Mason, Sans
Squad 13: Newt, Gretel, Phyrne, Regina, Robin Hood, Vax, Margaery

Oct. 30th, 2017



[HG Tributes]

I'm guessing the timer is probably proving a source of anxiety for some if not all of us. How is everyone holding up?

Oct. 22nd, 2017



You are all cordially invited to my Welcome Soirée tomorrow evening, hosted of course by me, Tahani Al-Jamil. As you may know, my friends and I just recently arrived from the Good Place, an afterlife most perfectly designed by our esteemed friend and mentor Michael the architect. Isn't he just charming? We are of course quite honored by everyone's hospitality, and the understanding shown to our dearest Jianyu who cannot speak due his vow of silence. The close quarters will take some getting used to, but what better way than to get to know all our lovely neighbors and hopefully new friends we'll be sharing this delightful experience with?

I will of course be providing every guest with a gift bag! So please come by and introduce yourself, it's much nicer seeing everyone's faces in person.



Is there anyone here trained in First Aide? I was a trained Field Nurse about a decade ago but I've had very little need of it since then. I would like to ensure my skills are up to scratch.

Would you be interested in lunch at some point?

Oct. 21st, 2017



I still am not sure I understand the lights and music display. What has happened to jazz and what do I call what we are hearing here?

Oct. 12th, 2017



I know we're all still trying to recover from the feelings of loss and hurt that arose over the course of the last experiment, and understand that there is still plenty to process, even beyond these trials. But I think we also have to talk about this in terms of the experiment we're all a part of. Because it's now quite clear they mean to make the stakes higher, and we cannot assume going forward that any deaths or injuries will be temporary - even though these appear to have been.

[Jyn Erso]
Truth be told, I don't know how to feel about any of this

[Bodhi Rook]
How much sleep have you been getting

[Armitage Hux]
Congradulations on the return of your soldier.