Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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September 3rd, 2017



This has actually been ... really nice, though? I've had a lot of fun. I don't think I'll like leaving. Nobody died or I don't see why experiments should have to involve people getting scared out of their minds or baking in the sun or starving. I don't know what anyone can learn from that sort of thing - for me, I already took a years-long course in being terrified and not having any blasted thing, and I don't think I'll get any more out of taking it ever again. I don't think you can get anything out of it except how to be slightly less terrified and scrounge for whatever you can, and that doesn't make you a better person or give you anything worth having. It just makes you scared and mean.

[ Sam Wilson ]
You think we'll get to keep the shoes? Thanks, anyway - I'm not so good, usually, at being in charge of things. Or. Sort of half in charge of things. ... Working with other people who don't just tell me what to do any leave me alone. Anyway. I had good time. And nothing terrible happened! See?



But I don't wanna leave! I like my new friends and I don't want them to go away. It's not fair because I worked really really hard and they're MY friends and

Can't I-?

Edit: [Romeo]
... Miss Dr. Romeo ma'am?



WHO: Peggy Carter & Howard Stark
WHEN: Backdated to before the Pokemon scenario!
WHERE: Facility, on the beach.
SUMMARY: Peggy and Howard enjoy the beach together.

Maybe being here’s a blessing in disguise. A chance to do things a little differently. )



Did everyone get stuffed animals of their pokemon? If you got some and don't want them, my Auntie Helena had two babies and I think they would like to have some toys to decorate their room with and play with when they're older.