In Variance's Journal
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Below are the 13 most recent journal entries recorded in In Variance's InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, June 17th, 2008
    9:16 pm
    Day ?, Night Second floor
    He stopped at the top of the stairs to get his barings before heading to her room. "What would you like to wear after your bath?"
    5:21 pm
    Day ?, Night, first floor
    The sparring match had been great fun to watch, even if Sephichuu had refused to let her get down and join in. Crusty old meanie head, that's what he was...!

    Yuffie was curled up on the library's couch, ears back and tail wrapped around herself firmly. Sephichuu had let her go when the match had ended, and she'd bounced and bounded around until it had gotten really dark, but now...

    Now she felt achey and awful and all her limbs were protesting at the slightest movement. It had gotten worse and worse as the evening had progressed; she hadn't even had the energy to whine at people for sympathy!
    Wednesday, February 20th, 2008
    1:06 am
    Day ?, Evening, Outside
    Grinning like a loon, and bouncing a bit in place, Zack followed Cloud as the other headed for the training grounds. This was going to be fun, and he was almost bouncy over it. Finally, something to let off a little stress.

    Never mind how long they had been here, if it was more than a few days, Zack was used to being hunted. After a year of actively being pursued, even when all rational reasoning said that the chase should be called off, they had been hunted.

    He wasn't sure how much Cloud remembered, but it had been a bad time.

    But, right now, they weren't. And that was a very freeing feeling.

    Now, to play.
    Sunday, February 17th, 2008
    1:14 pm
    Day ?, Evening, First Floor
    Going over her blade one last time, Cloud went and gave Zack's ankle a kick.

    "Sparring now," she said.

    Nudging the forces out of her head, Cloud sent her back to who she belonged with, having her take a message as well that there was going to be a sparring match if she would like to come watch.

    Looking to Aeris, Cloud pulled off her materia, and offered it to the woman. "Wanna watch? Make sure we don't hack any limbs off?" the blonde asked, a teasing tone in her voice. Then she said, in a much more serious tone. "I don't want materia. Given the situation lately, I don't want to accidentally cast on him."

    Not that he had cast on Kadaj and the others, but better safe than sorry, after all.
    Saturday, December 22nd, 2007
    11:47 am
    Day?, Afternooon, Roof
    With a final heave, he scrambled on top of the roof and looked around.

    He could see for a good distane up here and frowned when he saw vines waving not too far off. Reaching out with his power, he connected to the Makai plant and forced it to shrink back into a seed.
    1:20 am
    Day ?, afternoon, third floor
    Quistis headed up to her small room to get her shoes and the bullwhip that she'd acquired from... somewhere.

    Not even remotely like her old weapon, she wished that she'd known what happened to it. She dug the note she'd written for Squall about Vincent out and left it on the table before padding back down the stair to get something to eat before heading back out.
    Wednesday, December 19th, 2007
    11:46 pm
    Day...? Afternoon, Second floor
    Yuffie scampered up the stairs on all fours, and headed straight for the room that she knew without a doubt belonged to her. Hers! Her room.

    Leaving the door half-way open, she looked around. It was a big room; it looked like it was made for someone a lot bigger than her. Which was going to be interesting.

    Chortling happily, Yuffie pranced over to the gigantic box on the floor next to the bed.
    Wednesday, December 12th, 2007
    9:50 pm
    Day ?, Afternoon First Floor
    Humming, he moved around the table, placing silverware and plates at each seat, unsure how many would be joining them for lunch other than the grou pin the kitchen.
    Monday, December 10th, 2007
    2:34 am
    Day ?, afternoon, outside
    She had gone to walk the grounds. They had birds, horses, and it looked as if someone or three had missed the sparring grounds. Would have to make sure that she showed them where those were.

    After placating the local spirits, Marie ran a hand through her hair. All the signs pointed to a few days of occupation, but no more than a week. And there were rumors spreading through the air that had her curious on what had happened across an ocean.

    Oh, well. She had people here who were obviously clueless on what the world was like. Better get them prepared for reality here.

    Humming, she collected the last few things she had come out for, then heading back into the house.
    Sunday, November 11th, 2007
    4:44 pm
    Day...? Morning, Second floor
    (Came from the living room)

    Yuffie shot up the stairs, in little leaps of three at a time, and silent despite the fact that she did it on all fours. Time for everyone to wake up~!

    She reached the top and paused, looking back for the blond she'd just let go of. "Ed~, hurry up! Time's a wastin'!" Nobody in the house had really had much to eat in the past few weeks, so she was willing to bet those pancakes weren't gonna last long. One ear flicked back thoughtfully at all the talking she could hear in the house-- Nobody could remember? Freaky!

    And... how did she know that people hadn't been getting enough to eat? And why did she recognize all these people (but not the red-head)? How come she trusted them? (Well. Kind of trusted them...)
    Tuesday, November 6th, 2007
    6:09 pm
    Day; Morning, outside
    His chest ached and Allen couldn't for the life of him understand why. He felt like he'd run for miles and fallen so far, but the reasons wouldn't come. He inhaled the scent of fresh grass covered in morning dew as he finally recalled what his arms were for. The sting of his wounds from before his memory went fuzzy were gone and he blinked at their absence. The exorcist felt a strong sense of wrong and it didn't make sense as he pushed himself up. Why were there such gaps in his memory? He cursed softly as he pulled himself to his feet and stumbled towards the house. So many questions swirled through his groggy mind, but the going concern right now was over food. He didn't realize his head still hurt or that he had a golden golem flapping after him.

    Food, after all was more important than general weirdness. Were he more aware he'd have noticed he wasn't the gender he was born as either. But it was all moot points for the moment.

    Current Mood: confused
    2:01 pm
    Morning: Third Floor, Quisty's room
    He woke to the strange sensation of cold. The cold was alive and his first thought was 'Seifer had better be fucking dying'. It took a few more minutes before his brain woke up enough to start connecting dots.

    Fact: He was sleeping with Quistis.

    Fact: Quistis and Shiva had been grafted together by a deranged god and that explained the cold.

    Fact: He was a she and in panties.

    Fact: They weren't in Balamb anymore Toto.

    Fact: Her tail itched.

    Fact: She was having trouble remembering anything in detail that was different from her usual difficulty in remembering anything, and she was having trouble waking up that was bordering on worrisome after living on a hair trigger for more years than she could actively recall.

    With a grimace and a yawn she slid out of bed, pulled on her leathers and fumbled with her belts until they stayed up, grabbing her shirt and pulling it on while stumbling through the hallway, down the stairs to the kitchen. Reflexively she slid her junctions in, surprised to find a fluffy yellow chocobo riding her brain waves along with Carb, Alexander, Eden and Quez.


    Fact: She needed coffee, stat.
    10:58 am
    Day...? Morning, First Floor
    It was really hard to wake up. At least that's what it felt like. But not like waking up from drugs. That was a totally different hard to wake up feel.

    This felt more like.... He had been asleep a really, really long time. Just that heavy, too much sleep feel.

    Zack had to untangle an arm, but he rubbed his eyes, and nuzzled into the hair in front of his face. He felt odd. Things were kind of fuzzy, and he paused.

    Okay. He knew -who- he was in bed with. All of them. And that wasn't a bad thing at all. But...he didn't remember how he had really gotten here. Like, -here- here. Knew he wasn't on his world, and that they were hiding from...something, but he didn't have any idea on who or what that was.

    Sitting up, he looked around, trying to push past the fuzzy confusion.

    What was going on?
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